[Guide] Macro - avoiding false accusations

Yeah, I've lost a lot of faith in Jagex and their bot detection system, to be honest. I don't want to turn this into a Jagex-bashing thread but they really do need to revamp their system instead of lying to us saying, "We will not reset/suspend anyone unless we are 100% sure they are botting." I stood by this statement for the longest time and now it's safe to say that with recent resets/banning/suspensions, I'm done backing their "excellent" system up.

Anyway, that being said, I still don't know exactly what sets off the bot detection flags. Of course they don't want us knowing, otherwise botters could build their macros to go around these detection methods. But, to me, I don't see how multiple false reports for botting can lead to a suspension... unless it has changed.

About 4 years ago, a J-mod was offering to tell people how many times they got reported, so I took the bait. He told me my account was reported 108 times alone for botting (I didn't talk much back then, so everyone and their cat reported me). 108 times and I was never held accountable for it. That is why I have constantly told people to this day that you shouldn't be paranoid about people threatening to report you, because you can rack up so many false reports and still be okay. But, like I said... this may have changed.

It really is sad when you are paranoid to play a game just because you're afraid of getting reported falsely. Jagex really needs to fix their system because it's causing their loyal players to cower in fear or even just flat out quit because of the outrageous claims against their accounts which turn out to be false.

Thanks for the guide Jon, it is much appreciated. It's just sad that it has to come to this, really.

Sorry for the long post, but if I have an opinion about something, I'm not afraid to share it. Especially when it's threatening our clan members... just frustrates me so much.

Edit: To add something else into the guide if I may, I recommend mentioning that mousekeys, if used in a certain way, are classified as botting. It is not posted directly in the rules because Jagex keeps putting it off, but they have told us directly that if you use mousekeys a certain way, you will face consequences eventually.

Good mouse keys = 1 key press per action.
Bad mouse keys = 1 key press for multiple actions.

As long as you are doing one action per button, you're fine, like pressing the 5 key to alch over and over. However, if you're using mousekeys to do 2-3 things for one key press, it's considered macroing. Just a heads-up.

Messages In This Thread
Macro - avoiding false accusations - by old_jon - 2011-07-22 10:05:04
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Meg - 2011-07-22 10:19:38
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Tay - 2011-07-22 12:04:16
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Meg - 2011-07-22 14:31:51
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Shay - 2011-07-22 16:11:28
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Shay - 2011-07-22 20:13:20
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Shay - 2011-07-23 05:10:40
RE: Macro - avoiding false accusations - by Meg - 2011-07-23 07:32:22

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