2017-03-11 05:05:47
Runescape Name: D3MAC1ANZ
Real-life name/nickname: Emil
Age: 21
Country: Sweden
Describe yourself in one word: Learn
What made you start playing runescape: I acctually dont know. Have been watching youtube videos and Streams and i have just wanted to play. but i have been staying away from it beacuse its learning curve and one day i just started playing and hear i am now
. so im a pretty noob in this game xD.
Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Occupation: Work xD
Other language(s): English and a bit German
Hobbies/talents: Gaming
Real-life name/nickname: Emil
Age: 21
Country: Sweden
Describe yourself in one word: Learn
What made you start playing runescape: I acctually dont know. Have been watching youtube videos and Streams and i have just wanted to play. but i have been staying away from it beacuse its learning curve and one day i just started playing and hear i am now

Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan
Occupation: Work xD
Other language(s): English and a bit German
Hobbies/talents: Gaming