Runescape Name: Leviathan Z
Real-life name/nickname: Quinton/Sex God
Age: 25
Country: UK
Describe yourself in one word: Unique
What made you start playing runescape: My Brother and the concept of the game intrigued me.
Favorite Movie: There are 3 movies i consider the best - Armageddon 1998 Asteroid Flick, The Book Of Eli and Shutter Island. Favorite actor of all time John Wayne - what a man.
Other language(s): French, Klingon , Sex Talk >.>
Hobbies/talents: i enjoy playing snooker but too old to go pro. I have a brilliant mind but im also a realistic person, but if i think im good enough to conquer something i will do it.
Clan Experience- Grand Ruler of Crimson Raiders from olden ere of RS.
Want to know more then ask. ;]
Real-life name/nickname: Quinton/Sex God

Age: 25
Country: UK
Describe yourself in one word: Unique
What made you start playing runescape: My Brother and the concept of the game intrigued me.
Favorite Movie: There are 3 movies i consider the best - Armageddon 1998 Asteroid Flick, The Book Of Eli and Shutter Island. Favorite actor of all time John Wayne - what a man.
Other language(s): French, Klingon , Sex Talk >.>
Hobbies/talents: i enjoy playing snooker but too old to go pro. I have a brilliant mind but im also a realistic person, but if i think im good enough to conquer something i will do it.
Clan Experience- Grand Ruler of Crimson Raiders from olden ere of RS.
Want to know more then ask. ;]