Updated Intro Since I came Back
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Runescape Name: RCH

Real-life name/nickname: Ryan Harrison, Nickname would be Harrison. But Ryan, RCH is fine I don't mind
Age: 25
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Determined

What made you start playing runescape: TBH I pulled out my Cd tray out of my Xbox 360 in 2007, due to call of duty getting stuck inside. So I needed to do something while I was waiting on the replacement to come back from Microsoft center. I got on Pc... and went on from there. Never got into runescape as a whole until 2010, when I started playing everyday.

Favorite Movie: ATM do not have one.
Occupation: MET @ Home-depot
Other language(s): None
Hobbies/talents: Hobbies ATM would be Runescape lol.. but collecting yugioh cards too.

Ps Still getting in USAF, I had to pay of debt to enlist and lose around 35 pounds. Which I have done. I am in final enlisting ATM waiting to go to meps. I have a two year son who means the world to me Name Ryan also. My little man :Biggrin feel free to add me in game, I am friendly and down to help anyone.
Hey Ryan! Welcome back to Surreal smile I'm so glad you came back to RS and returned to Surreal - we've missed you! Good luck with enlisting - it sounds like you're almost there! And thanks for re-introducing yourself! smile
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Biggrin Biggrin
Welcome back   Yahoo and enjoy that kiddo...they grow up in a blink
[Image: 9pJejd6.png]                                [Image: RaJoT7W.png]
Welcome back Ryan!
Sometimes i want to start back on my yugioh or pokemon card collection lol.
Lol ya I would love to start pokemon, had some when i was little.

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