Ikey's intro
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Runescape Name:Ikey
Real-life name/nickname:Isaac/Ikey
Country:United States
Describe yourself in one word:Shy?

What made you start playing runescape:A friend showed me it but i didnt like it at first but decided to try it again a few years later
Favorite Movie:Avatar
Music taste:Not picky i like many different genres
Other games: None currently but thinking about trying out others
Other language(s):just english
Hobbies/talentsShoutasketball and singing to myself (might take up reading again use to love it)

Hey my name is Isaac and I'm just looking for a group of people to do things with. 
Somewhat of a returning player been off and on a lot for the last 2-3yrs and started playing again about 2 months ago
Hey Isaac! Welcome to Surreal! smile Singing to yourself huh? That's always a fun thing to do - I definitely enjoy that too Biggrin And I too have a vast enjoyment of several music genres smile

Hope you enjoy yourself here! Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Heyaa welcome! And welcome back to RS smile
Dude. I love Avatar lol. Everyone gives me shit when I say I love it, though.
Recently I've started to take an interest in basketball. If you've got any tips whatsoever I'd be interested in talking about that.

Welcome to surreal!
[Image: user1-light.png][Image: 2JSik6b.jpg]
Wizard  Welcome!!! Basketball and Avatar...can't get much better than thatGood...super excited for ava 2 to come out..-mutters taken long enough-
Glad to have you with us!!  Biggrin
[Image: 9pJejd6.png]                                [Image: RaJoT7W.png]
Thanks everyone! I can't wait for part 2 to come out tbh I'll probably rewatch the first one the week it comes out
Hi Isaac, bye Isaac...

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