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Runescape Name: GeoAnt
Real-life name/nickname: Rich
Age: 28
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Awesome

What made you start playing runescape: friends from another game a long time ago lol
Favorite Movie: All Anthony Jeselnik Comedy Specials
Occupation: Tank Commander in US Army
Other language(s): None
Hobbies/talents: Being awesome

I've attached a selfie so you know who you're talking to lol

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Hey Rich smile Welcome to Surreal. Tank commander sounds pretty freakin cool if you ask me!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Hey Rich! Welcome to Surreal! smile Firstly thanks for your service in this country! I'd say that's pretty awesome in itself Biggrin I've never heard of Anthony Jeselnik, but it sounds like something I should definitely look up on youtube! Nice pic! Everyone in Surreal are rockstars, in my opinion Biggrin

If you ever have any questions never hesitate to come to myself or any other staff member. I'm glad you stumbled across our crazy family and I hope you are with us for many years to come! Give_heart
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[Image: GVO3.png]
Welcome to surreal!!
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