Hi, Anton here
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Smiley man! 
Runescape Name: Neurojunkie
Real-life name/nickname: Anton
Age: 22
Country: United States of America
Describe yourself in one word: 
What made you start playing runescape: I started playing with my childhood best friend about a decade ago. He quit a few years after starting and I've been playing on and off ever since. 
Occupation: Student/teacher's aid/tutor
Other language(s): 
Spanish (basic) 
As my in-game name suggests, I am an aficionado of all things neuro related. My current interests include impulsivity, attention, decision making and their anatomical and physiological correlates in the human brain. 

For my Overwatch playing friends out there, if you guys need a mercy main, then i'm your man!
Hey Anton! Welcome to Surreal smile Your hobbies/talents sound quite interesting! Biggrin

Will we be seeing your application to join our wonderful family? smile I encourage guesting first so you can get a feel for us (unless you already did that)! If you have any questions just let us know Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Welcome Anton smile
[Image: 9pJejd6.png]                                [Image: RaJoT7W.png]

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  I'm Anton! :) Zahtex 5 3,768 2016-11-21 16:27:22
Last Post: Brandy

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