Hi there2

Hi there, most of you likely know me. This however is an introduction both to myself, and to what I've struggled with my whole life. Most of you likely know me as Cassy, and while part of me is Cassy that is only a piece of my gender identity. I was born male, and my birth name is Brandon. I identify as "Bi-Gender" meaning that I am both male and female. Some days I wake up and feel like a woman, other days I wake up and feel like a man, most days however I feel somewhere in between the gender binary. I've only begun this journey exploring what it means to be identified as a Bi-gender individual, most of my life I was told that I was a freak or a sinner. I felt alone, and scared... I'm grateful that Mel found me and invited me to become a Surrealian, this is truly my home.

  Anyways, I've established that I need a name in between my genders so that I can be addressed regardless of what I feel I am that particular day. I actually didn't realize that was a thing before speaking with other Bi-Gender individuals. The name I chose to go by is "Brinley," I think it's a beautiful name personally. I have many scars in my heart, I've been bullied my whole life because people thought I was gay. My own family struggle to accept me, but I'm grateful my parents and sister are making an attempt.

 Unfortunately, in my fears of who I am and my self esteem being non existent I chose to present myself with images of a real life friend of my family. I wanted to be beautiful, I wanted to be slimmer, I wanted to be so many things, but I'm coming to grips with the fact that I am who I am. I hurt people because of my fears, lied to people I love and hurt those people deeply.

 I'm grateful to have wonderful leaders in this clan who found out about my identity and chose to allow me the time to work on myself and come to grips with all the stress I had been facing. Thank you for your guidance, kindness and helpfulness in my situations. 

                                                                                                                                         - Brinley
Welcome for real this time, Brinley. I think you're very brave for coming out here!
"Get going, Simon. Just don't be distracted by the what-ifs, should-haves, and if-onlies.
The one path you choose yourself, that is the truth of your universe."
[Image: rex_advenes_p1.png]
Hi Brinley! smile

I'm both really happy to see this post and really proud of you for actually clicking that button to post it. I can only imagine how difficult all this is on you, and how much courage it took you to type up this post, but you're a brave and wonderful person for doing it smile I'm very glad to have met you and to be in your life!
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Cool! I have a friend who likes to remain genderless. Now I've learned that the complete opposite is possible, people can also identify with both genders. I'm happy that you feel comfortable around us enough to share something which seems very personal. smile
It must be hard to struggle to find acceptance for who you are. You’re super friendly and I wish you all the best!
Took a lot of guts to write that. Congratulations are in order just for that.
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate your kindness.
Nice to officially meet you, Brinley smile Think that's a cool name.

By the way, you're beautiful. Embrace yourself <3
We're a family here, we'll always love and cherish you Brinley! <3
[Image: user1-dark.png]
Alot of people in this world are highly judgemental sadly, Me personally I think it should only matter what's in your heart and what kind of person you are, not based off of looks/gender identity/sexuality and all that. It may of been easier for me to accept it due to my mom/sister being gay, I am not sure, but I have just learned to accept others for who they are. Thanks for sharing and I hope that things will come more easily for you soon, I too suffered with bullying/depression and a ton of other things, so if you ever need someone to talk to just send me a message on here or in-game, I would be glad to listen/help smile

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