Clan PVM Teams/Teachers/Learners

Hey everyone !@! I'm going to start this thread to keep track of the bosses people are able to do, want to learn and if they can teach. Also included the roles. So you can just post on here and I can update this main thread. This will help people form teams and gives me ideas to keep in mind for pvm events as well !
* (T) = Teacher, (HMT) = Hardmode Teacher, (WTL) = Wants to learn
Araxxi - Nick (T)
Astellarn, The First Celestial - Nick (WTL)
The Barrows Brothers: Rise of the Six - Nick(T)
Beastmaster Durzag - Nick(T)[MT, PT1/2]
Black Stone Dragon - Nick (WTL)
Chaos Ele - Nick(T)
Commander Zilyana - Nick (T, HMT)
Corporeal Beast - Nick (T)
Daggannoth Kings - Nick (T)
General Graador - Nick (T, HMT)
Giant Mole - Nick (T, HMT)
Gregorovic - Nick (T)
Helwyr - Nick (T)
Kalphite King - Nick (T) [HV,T]
Kalphite Queen - Nick (T)
Kree'arra - Nick (T,HMT)
K'ril - Nick (T, HMT)
Legions - Nick (T)
The Magister - Nick (T)
Masuta, the Ascended - Nick (WTL)
Nex - Nick (T)
Nex - Angel of Death - Nick [MT,MT]
Queen Black Dragon - Nick (T)
The Sanctum Guardian - Nick (WTL)
Seiryu, the Azure Serpent - Nick (WTL)
Solak - Nick (WTL)
Telos - Nick (WTL)
The Twin Furies - Nick (T)
Verak Lith - Nick (WTL)
Vindicata & Gorvek - Nick (T)
Vorago - Nick (T)[T,BM,TLV5]
Yakamaru - Nick (WTL)
If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all.

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