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Boo my friends!

This is a guide on how to level each and every skill in-game to help you get your desired levels. I hope it helps you! 

Totally feel free to suggest other good/better options and I'll update the thread when I can! perhaps XP/h can be added too if you've figured it out for a certain method. Any method named here will have a good video guide, simply google it and it'll pop up smile 

Note: for Warbands, if you'd like to stay PK-free, go to world 48, 30 and 114. Especially the first 2 usually have no PK'ing fcs due to their total level requirement.

- Agility - 

- Attack - 

- Constitution -
(no guide - train combat! Wink)

- Construction -

- Cooking - 

- Crafting - 

- Defence -
Same as Attack Wink

- Divination - 

- Dungeoneering - 

- Farming -

- Firemaking - 

- Fishing -

- Fletching - 

- Herblore -

- Hunter - 

- Invention -

- Magic -

- Mining - 

- Prayer - 

- Ranged - 

- Runecrafting -

- Slayer -

- Smithing -

- Strength -
Same as attack Wink

- Summoning - 

- Thieving - 

- Woodcutting -
Wow I appreciate all the work that is going into this guide!
Opens up more options of skilling that were not known Biggrin (ex. i had no idea there are curly roots in RS LOL)
Very nice, love to have guides on our forums aswell. Doing gods work Beccah Biggrin
As you guys know already I like to gain XP. I'll try to help you improve it with a few tips of my own, most of the tips will be focused for higher lvls though. Also I'll try to either link a guide or describe as good as possible the methods. Good work so far Beccah!!!

Agility: From like 75-99 Silverhawks, no point in doing courses unless agility is a limiting factor into your goals. Agility is a loose-less skill with silverhawks since you can train it while doing other stuff, even walking around Gielinor. You usually uses around 70 feathers/hour which is only ~1.5m gp/hr.

Attack: You missed the two biggest XP/hr. Abyssal demons at the slayer tower (900k/hr), at the wildy( over 1m/hr)* and Magister (over 1m/hr). I'd also recommend trying vyres, not high xp/hr(550k/hr) but you also gain prayer, fm and farm xp.
*Not that good since wildy risk and spring cleaner not working at wildy anymore.

Construction: Flotsam pawnbrokers as you said all the way. Planks are extremely cheap now a days.

Cooking: Nothing to add. Just as bonuses, urns, urn enhancer and dwarven army axe.

Crafting: No warband

Divination: Memory hall is a good place. And Urns. The arc contracts, if you have everything unlocked (all the price reductions, etc) you can do all 7 contracts in 1 divination spot if using the energy-gathering scrimshaw since all energy will be doubled instead of the 15%

Dungeoneering: Nothing to add but you can probably get 99 by just doing sinkholes. Also you can do both sinkholes at the same time. Finish one, teleport to sinkhole entrance, do the second one.

Farming: DO NOT PROTECT YEWS/MAGICS (sorry for caps, people seems to forget this). It was proved more than once it isn't worth protecting them. urns.

Firemaking: Bernie pet is a lie. Can also be done with vyres, around 300k/hr

Fishing: Why is this skill so slow Sad and urns, fishing rods with invention perks


Magic & Def & Range: Shattered Worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4Yo8gN1dME

Hunter: With the extreme hunter potion you can start catch things with much lower lvls.

Slayer: I really don't agree with your tasks preferences tbh. You missing some great xp/hr tasks while doing some that are not that nice but since many people don't like doing slayer(or PvM) I'll skip this one and say people do whatever they like. If you'd like me to give some input on the tasks let me know. I'll leave this here, don't know how updated it is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...Ec/pubhtml#
I appreciate the feedback, Nicholas!
The only thing I think we're not going to agree on is the slayer tasks :p why? because I don't know enough about slayer to make a sensible remark. The guide for slayer as I've written it right now is as the Achievement Help discord channel has set it up which has countless of contributors. I will not question their vailidity unless I think I know better myself, which in this case, I don't. I'll add the link to give people another option though.
I'll definitely be coming back to this for reference when we train different skills via swc. I like how you listed varying methods that we can use all the way up to 99.

For divination, why not list incandescent energy? It's slow but it is a consistent method to gain exp. Or was it too obvious to list?
(2019-02-01 00:03:52)Beccah Wrote:  I appreciate the feedback, Nicholas!
The only thing I think we're not going to agree on is the slayer tasks :p why? because I don't know enough about slayer to make a sensible remark. The guide for slayer as I've written it right now is as the Achievement Help discord channel has set it up which has countless of contributors. I will not question their vailidity unless I think I know better myself, which in this case, I don't. I'll add the link to give people another option though.
As I said, I think slayer is a very personal skill, you really should do whatever you feel like doing. You missing some of the top tasks like corrupted creatures, hydrix dragons and soul devourers. But just by giving our members lots of information to make the best choice for their own play style you doing a good job smile

(2019-02-01 07:18:54)Jerome Wrote:  I'll definitely be coming back to this for reference when we train different skills via swc. I like how you listed varying methods that we can use all the way up to 99.

For divination, why not list incandescent energy? It's slow but it is a consistent method to gain exp. Or was it too obvious to list?

For divination, you should really "train" it if its a limiting factor to max (or whatever goal you have). By doing caches and arc contracts you can get near 150m XP/Year. If you really want to train it, memory hall is a much better XP/hr. Oldschool divination is only done for energy gathering(for ironman/alts) and not XP gaining.

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