Boo my friends!
This is a guide on how to level each and every skill in-game to help you get your desired levels. I hope it helps you!
Totally feel free to suggest other good/better options and I'll update the thread when I can! perhaps XP/h can be added too if you've figured it out for a certain method. Any method named here will have a good video guide, simply google it and it'll pop up
Note: for Warbands, if you'd like to stay PK-free, go to world 48, 30 and 114. Especially the first 2 usually have no PK'ing fcs due to their total level requirement.
- Agility -
Level 1-18: Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
XP/h: 6,800
Level 18-30: NE corner of the Watchtower at Yanille
XP/h: 10,000
Level 30-52: Clockwork Suits (Partial completion of Cold War). Very intensive, good XP
Level 35-48: Barbarian Outpost Agility Course (Bar Crawl Miniquest). Less intensive than above, decent XP
XP/h: 12,000
Level 48-52: Ape Atoll Agility Course (Partial completion Monkey Madness)
XP/h: 26,000 - bring some food
Level 52-65: Wilderness Agility Course
XP/h: 37,000 - bring some food. Demonic skull increases XP/h to 60,000.
Level 65-75: Wilderness Agility Course with a Demonic skull, or Auto-Cycles at the Empty Throne Room at the Digsite
XP/h: 60,000 (Wilderness not AFK, Auto-cucles very AFK)
Level 65-99: Wilderness Agility Course with a Demonic skull
XP/h: gradually improving from 60,000 to 137,000
Level 75-77: Ape Atoll Agility Course (Partial completion Monkey Madness)
XP/h: 45,000
Level 77-99: Hefin Agility Course (Plague's End)
Level 75-99: Silverhawk boots: Buy silverhawk feathers on GE or earn Silverhawk Down through oddments. Can be combined with above.
! Other Bonuses !
- Serenity posts (75+): 20,000 XP a day east of the Hefin Agility Course (Plague's End)
- Barbarian Assault: Up to 1,300,000 BXP/h at hardmode, wave 6-9. 920,000 BXP/h wave 1-9
- Agility dummies
- Nimble Outfit
- Juju Agility potion
- The Circus at lower levels
- Brawling gloves (Agility)
+ Pet Chance +
Dojo Mojo has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual skill level, at 200M XP a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Auto-cycle, use the wrong action (most xp drops). Not achievable through Silverhawk Boots and Dummies
- Attack -
- Constitution -
(no guide - train combat!
- Construction -
- Cooking -
- Crafting -
- Defence -
Same as Attack
- Divination -
Level 1-99: Guthixian Caches
Level 95-99: Arc contract 'Ancestral Energy'
! Other Bonuses !
- Diviner's outfit
- Master diviner's outfit
- Divination urns
+ Pet Chance +
Willow has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: converting incandescent energy
- Dungeoneering -
- Farming -
- Firemaking -
- Fishing -
- Fletching -
- Herblore -
- Hunter -
- Invention -
- Magic -
- Mining -
- Prayer -
- Ranged -
Level 1- 30: Trolls in the cave north of Burthorpe
Level 30-50: Baby blue dragons/Druids/Giant bats
XP/h: 35,000
Level 50-70: Blue dragons/Lesser demons/Black demons
XP/h: 60,000
Level 70-99: Abyss (Completion of the Abyss miniquest) - See the abyss guide
XP/h: 600,000 - 800,000
Level 80-99: Waterfiends (for charms, Ancient Caverns) - Needs royal crossbow / Nox longbow
XP/h: 375,000
! Other bonuses !
- Combat Dummies
- The circus at lower levels
- Train while Slaying
- Brawling gloves (Ranging): consume during normal training
- If possible, combine with Invention training
- Potions e.g. super/extreme/overload
+ Pet Chance +
Sparky has a higher chance to be discovered at a high amount of experience at once.
Best method: High level bosses
- Runecrafting -
- Slayer -
- Smithing -
- Strength -
Same as attack
- Summoning -
- Thieving -
- Woodcutting -
This is a guide on how to level each and every skill in-game to help you get your desired levels. I hope it helps you!
Totally feel free to suggest other good/better options and I'll update the thread when I can! perhaps XP/h can be added too if you've figured it out for a certain method. Any method named here will have a good video guide, simply google it and it'll pop up

Note: for Warbands, if you'd like to stay PK-free, go to world 48, 30 and 114. Especially the first 2 usually have no PK'ing fcs due to their total level requirement.
- Agility -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-18: Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
XP/h: 6,800
Level 18-30: NE corner of the Watchtower at Yanille
XP/h: 10,000
Level 30-52: Clockwork Suits (Partial completion of Cold War). Very intensive, good XP
Level 35-48: Barbarian Outpost Agility Course (Bar Crawl Miniquest). Less intensive than above, decent XP
XP/h: 12,000
Level 48-52: Ape Atoll Agility Course (Partial completion Monkey Madness)
XP/h: 26,000 - bring some food
Level 52-65: Wilderness Agility Course
XP/h: 37,000 - bring some food. Demonic skull increases XP/h to 60,000.
Level 65-75: Wilderness Agility Course with a Demonic skull, or Auto-Cycles at the Empty Throne Room at the Digsite
XP/h: 60,000 (Wilderness not AFK, Auto-cucles very AFK)
Level 65-99: Wilderness Agility Course with a Demonic skull
XP/h: gradually improving from 60,000 to 137,000
Level 75-77: Ape Atoll Agility Course (Partial completion Monkey Madness)
XP/h: 45,000
Level 77-99: Hefin Agility Course (Plague's End)
Level 75-99: Silverhawk boots: Buy silverhawk feathers on GE or earn Silverhawk Down through oddments. Can be combined with above.
! Other Bonuses !
- Serenity posts (75+): 20,000 XP a day east of the Hefin Agility Course (Plague's End)
- Barbarian Assault: Up to 1,300,000 BXP/h at hardmode, wave 6-9. 920,000 BXP/h wave 1-9
- Agility dummies
- Nimble Outfit
- Juju Agility potion
- The Circus at lower levels
- Brawling gloves (Agility)
+ Pet Chance +
Dojo Mojo has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual skill level, at 200M XP a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Auto-cycle, use the wrong action (most xp drops). Not achievable through Silverhawk Boots and Dummies
- Attack -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-40: Trolls in the cave north of Burthorpe
Level 40-60: Gnome Troops at the Khazard Batlefield
Level 40-60: Moss Giants (Brimhaven Dungeon)
Level 60-70: Fire Giants (Brimhaven Dungeon)
Level 70-80: Hellhounds (Taverley Dungeon)
Level 80-99: Abyss (Completion of the Abyss miniquest) - See the abyss guide
XP/h: 500,000 - 600,000
Level 85-99: Waterfiends (for charms, Ancient Caverns) - Needs D'rider Lance or Nox Scythe
Level 85-99: Magister
XP/h: >1,000,000
Level 85-99: Vyrewatches - see guide here
XP/h: 550,000 + Prayer, Firemaking and Farming XP
! Other Bonuses !
- Combat Dummies
- Train while Slaying (mainly Dark beasts and Airuts)
- Brawling gloves (Melee): consume during normal training
- If possible, combine with Invention training
- Potions e.g. super/extreme/overload
+ Pet Chance +
Sifu has a higher chance to be discovered at a high amount of experience at once.
Best method: high level bosses.
Level 40-60: Gnome Troops at the Khazard Batlefield
Level 40-60: Moss Giants (Brimhaven Dungeon)
Level 60-70: Fire Giants (Brimhaven Dungeon)
Level 70-80: Hellhounds (Taverley Dungeon)
Level 80-99: Abyss (Completion of the Abyss miniquest) - See the abyss guide
XP/h: 500,000 - 600,000
Level 85-99: Waterfiends (for charms, Ancient Caverns) - Needs D'rider Lance or Nox Scythe
Level 85-99: Magister
XP/h: >1,000,000
Level 85-99: Vyrewatches - see guide here
XP/h: 550,000 + Prayer, Firemaking and Farming XP
! Other Bonuses !
- Combat Dummies
- Train while Slaying (mainly Dark beasts and Airuts)
- Brawling gloves (Melee): consume during normal training
- If possible, combine with Invention training
- Potions e.g. super/extreme/overload
+ Pet Chance +
Sifu has a higher chance to be discovered at a high amount of experience at once.
Best method: high level bosses.
- Constitution -
(no guide - train combat!

- Construction -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-8: Crude Wooden Chairs (2 Planks and 2 Iron Nails) - Bring supplies for 15 chairs
Level 8-19: Wooden Chairs (3 Plans and 3 Nails) - Bring supplies for 34 chairs
Level 19-33: Oak Chairs (2 Oak Planks) - Bring supplies for 119 chairs
(extra: hire Rick the servant from East Ardougne to bring planks to you from 20-25)
(extra: hire Maid the servant from East Ardougne from 25-30)
(extra: hire Cook the servant from East Ardougne from 30-40)
Level 33-52: Oak Larders - Bring supplies for 220 oak larders
(extra: hire Butler the servant from East Ardougne from 40-50)
(extra: hire Demon Butler the servant from East Ardougne from 50 onwards (Love Story completed))
Level 52-73: Mahogany Tables (6 Mahogany Planks) - Bring supplies for 1035 tables
Level 73-99: Flotsarm Prawnbrokers (8 Mahogany Planks) - Bring supplies for 10,752 brokers
! Other Bonuses !
- Warbands
- God Statues
- Scroll of Proficiency (DG reward)
- Construction outfit
- Crystal saw to boost level by +3
+ Pet Chance +
Baby Yaga's House has a chance of f = B * S / 1,500,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Flotsarm Prawnbrokers
Level 8-19: Wooden Chairs (3 Plans and 3 Nails) - Bring supplies for 34 chairs
Level 19-33: Oak Chairs (2 Oak Planks) - Bring supplies for 119 chairs
(extra: hire Rick the servant from East Ardougne to bring planks to you from 20-25)
(extra: hire Maid the servant from East Ardougne from 25-30)
(extra: hire Cook the servant from East Ardougne from 30-40)
Level 33-52: Oak Larders - Bring supplies for 220 oak larders
(extra: hire Butler the servant from East Ardougne from 40-50)
(extra: hire Demon Butler the servant from East Ardougne from 50 onwards (Love Story completed))
Level 52-73: Mahogany Tables (6 Mahogany Planks) - Bring supplies for 1035 tables
Level 73-99: Flotsarm Prawnbrokers (8 Mahogany Planks) - Bring supplies for 10,752 brokers
! Other Bonuses !
- Warbands
- God Statues
- Scroll of Proficiency (DG reward)
- Construction outfit
- Crystal saw to boost level by +3
+ Pet Chance +
Baby Yaga's House has a chance of f = B * S / 1,500,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Flotsarm Prawnbrokers
- Cooking -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-15: No preference: Chicken meat, bread, shrimp, anchovies, herring
Level 15-28: No preference: Trout, Cod, Pike, Salmon
Level 28-60: Sweetcorn
Level 60-84: Lobsters
Level 84-92: Swordfish
Level 92-94: Shark
Level 94-99: Rocktail
Level 99+: Sailfish
! Other bonuses !
- Portable range (more XP)
- Citadel BBQ
- Cooking gauntlets to burn less fish (Family Crest quest)
- Cooking urns
- Chef's outfit
- Juju cooking potion
- Brawling gloves (Cooking)
- Dwarven army axe
+ Pet Chance +
Ramsay has a chance of f = B * S / 1,250,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: lot of XP, so sailfish (soups)
Level 15-28: No preference: Trout, Cod, Pike, Salmon
Level 28-60: Sweetcorn
Level 60-84: Lobsters
Level 84-92: Swordfish
Level 92-94: Shark
Level 94-99: Rocktail
Level 99+: Sailfish
! Other bonuses !
- Portable range (more XP)
- Citadel BBQ
- Cooking gauntlets to burn less fish (Family Crest quest)
- Cooking urns
- Chef's outfit
- Juju cooking potion
- Brawling gloves (Cooking)
- Dwarven army axe
+ Pet Chance +
Ramsay has a chance of f = B * S / 1,250,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: lot of XP, so sailfish (soups)
- Crafting -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-54: Molten glass (Talk to Frits the Glassblower on Entrana) - 3400 molten glass till 46 after which you turn the molten glass into unpowered orbs using a glassblow pipe
Level 54-63: Water Battlestaves - 2178 Staves
Level 63-99: Dragon leather (depends on GE prices, choose from dragonhide bodies or -shields. Check here
Level 63-99: Battlestaves. Cheaper but slower than above
Level 59-99: Decorated urns (starts with mining). Profit
Level 75-99: Prifddinas Harps at Ithell. AFK, profit
! Other Bonuses !
- Protean Hides
- Portable Crafter (more XP)
- Citadel Loom
- Cutting gems (GE limit: hard to buy supplies). See here.
- Prifddinas Harps (50k XP/h, free and AFK) - More XP/h during Ithell voice of Seren
+ Pet Chance +
Gemi has a chance of f = B * S / 1,000,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Black dragonhide shields
Level 54-63: Water Battlestaves - 2178 Staves
Level 63-99: Dragon leather (depends on GE prices, choose from dragonhide bodies or -shields. Check here
Level 63-99: Battlestaves. Cheaper but slower than above
Level 59-99: Decorated urns (starts with mining). Profit
Level 75-99: Prifddinas Harps at Ithell. AFK, profit
! Other Bonuses !
- Protean Hides
- Portable Crafter (more XP)
- Citadel Loom
- Cutting gems (GE limit: hard to buy supplies). See here.
- Prifddinas Harps (50k XP/h, free and AFK) - More XP/h during Ithell voice of Seren
+ Pet Chance +
Gemi has a chance of f = B * S / 1,000,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Black dragonhide shields
- Defence -
Same as Attack

- Divination -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-99: Guthixian Caches
Level 95-99: Arc contract 'Ancestral Energy'
! Other Bonuses !
- Diviner's outfit
- Master diviner's outfit
- Divination urns
+ Pet Chance +
Willow has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: converting incandescent energy
- Dungeoneering -
Spoiler (Click to View)
See our dungeoneering and dungeoneering acronyms guides for help
When enoguh floors are unlocked (around 45):
- F1-F29 should be done on C1 when at least 45 floors are unlocked.
- F30-F60 should be done on C6 with 4 others, in a large map
Prestige when all your available floors are ticked off
! Other Bonuses !
- Sinkholes
- Buy 10% extra XP using your DG tokens
- Dungeoneering outfit
- Opening Resource dungeons for the first time
- Juju dungeoneering potion
+ Pet Chance +
Gordie has a chance of f = B * S / 1,250,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied
Best method: Solo medium floors on complexity 6
When enoguh floors are unlocked (around 45):
- F1-F29 should be done on C1 when at least 45 floors are unlocked.
- F30-F60 should be done on C6 with 4 others, in a large map
Prestige when all your available floors are ticked off
! Other Bonuses !
- Sinkholes
- Buy 10% extra XP using your DG tokens
- Dungeoneering outfit
- Opening Resource dungeons for the first time
- Juju dungeoneering potion
+ Pet Chance +
Gordie has a chance of f = B * S / 1,250,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 200 is applied
Best method: Solo medium floors on complexity 6
- Farming -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-15: Potatoes/marigold in allotments and flower patch Then onions, cabbages, tomatoes
Most up-to-date tree run guide I could find: here
Level 15-30: Oak trees (acorns). 160 minutes to grow, tomatoes (5) to protect
Level 27-33: In addition to oak trees, you can plant apple trees with 9 sweetcorn to protect
Level 30-45: Willow trees instead of oak trees, apples (5) to protect
Level 33-39: Banana trees instead of apple trees, apples (5) to protect
Level 39-42: Orange trees instead of banana trees, 3 baskets of strawberries to protect
Level 45-60: Maple trees instead of willow trees, oranges (5) to protect
Level 45-51: Curry trees instead of orange trees, bananas (5) to protect
Level 51-57: Pineapple trees instead of curry trees, 10 watermelons to protect
Level 57-68: Papaya trees instead of pineapple trees, 10 pineapples to protect
Level 54-99: Chinchompas at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 60-75: Yew trees instead of maple trees, 10 cactus spines to protect (dont recommend protecting)
Level 68-99: Palm trees instead of papaya trees, 15 papaya to protect
Level 72-99: Calquat trees at Karamja
Level 64-81: Spiders at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 71-92: Yaks at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 75-99: Magic trees instead of Yew trees, 25 coconuts to protect (don't recommend protecting)
Level 90-99: Elder trees in the elder tree patches, 25 morchella mushroom to protect
Level 94-99: Crystal tree. 15,000 xp per day once planted
Level 81-99: Zygomites at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 92-99: Dragons at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
! Other Bonuses !
- Less XP but no skilling: Killing turoths with seedicide (>175,000 XP/h)
- Mushroom clusters at the Arc: food for your zygomites (50,000 XP/h)
- Giant Oyster monthly D&D
- Warbands
- Farming outfit
- Juju farming potion
- Farming urns
+ Pet Chance +
Brains has a chance of f = B * S / 600,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied
Best method: Elder tree, crystal tree, POF dragon, zygomite
Most up-to-date tree run guide I could find: here
Level 15-30: Oak trees (acorns). 160 minutes to grow, tomatoes (5) to protect
Level 27-33: In addition to oak trees, you can plant apple trees with 9 sweetcorn to protect
Level 30-45: Willow trees instead of oak trees, apples (5) to protect
Level 33-39: Banana trees instead of apple trees, apples (5) to protect
Level 39-42: Orange trees instead of banana trees, 3 baskets of strawberries to protect
Level 45-60: Maple trees instead of willow trees, oranges (5) to protect
Level 45-51: Curry trees instead of orange trees, bananas (5) to protect
Level 51-57: Pineapple trees instead of curry trees, 10 watermelons to protect
Level 57-68: Papaya trees instead of pineapple trees, 10 pineapples to protect
Level 54-99: Chinchompas at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 60-75: Yew trees instead of maple trees, 10 cactus spines to protect (dont recommend protecting)
Level 68-99: Palm trees instead of papaya trees, 15 papaya to protect
Level 72-99: Calquat trees at Karamja
Level 64-81: Spiders at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 71-92: Yaks at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 75-99: Magic trees instead of Yew trees, 25 coconuts to protect (don't recommend protecting)
Level 90-99: Elder trees in the elder tree patches, 25 morchella mushroom to protect
Level 94-99: Crystal tree. 15,000 xp per day once planted
Level 81-99: Zygomites at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
Level 92-99: Dragons at the POF, see our POF guide for more information
! Other Bonuses !
- Less XP but no skilling: Killing turoths with seedicide (>175,000 XP/h)
- Mushroom clusters at the Arc: food for your zygomites (50,000 XP/h)
- Giant Oyster monthly D&D
- Warbands
- Farming outfit
- Juju farming potion
- Farming urns
+ Pet Chance +
Brains has a chance of f = B * S / 600,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied
Best method: Elder tree, crystal tree, POF dragon, zygomite
- Firemaking -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-15: Logs
Level 15-30: Oak logs
Level 30-35: Willow logs
Level 35-45: Teak logs (or keep going with willow)
Level 45-50: Maple logs
Level 50-58: Mahogany logs (or keep going with maple)
Level 58-60: Eucalyptus logs (or still keep going with maple)
Level 60-75: Yew logs
Level 75-99: AFK: Magic logs or if you can spend more: corrupted magic logs, elder/corrupted magic logs
Level 75-99: INTENSE: Pitch can firemaking with magic logs (click here)
Level 83-99: Curly roots (click here)
! Other bonuses !
- Barbarian assault 3,500,000 BXP/h for wave 6-9 hardmode, or 2,400,000 BXP/h for wave 1-9
- Ring of fire & flame gloves
- Char's fire cave
- Book of Char daily, guide here
- Portable brazier
- If possible, combine with Invention
- Brawling gloves (Firemaking)
+ Pet Chance +
Bernie has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 50 is added to this value
Best method: Pitch can firemaking
Level 15-30: Oak logs
Level 30-35: Willow logs
Level 35-45: Teak logs (or keep going with willow)
Level 45-50: Maple logs
Level 50-58: Mahogany logs (or keep going with maple)
Level 58-60: Eucalyptus logs (or still keep going with maple)
Level 60-75: Yew logs
Level 75-99: AFK: Magic logs or if you can spend more: corrupted magic logs, elder/corrupted magic logs
Level 75-99: INTENSE: Pitch can firemaking with magic logs (click here)
Level 83-99: Curly roots (click here)
! Other bonuses !
- Barbarian assault 3,500,000 BXP/h for wave 6-9 hardmode, or 2,400,000 BXP/h for wave 1-9
- Ring of fire & flame gloves
- Char's fire cave
- Book of Char daily, guide here
- Portable brazier
- If possible, combine with Invention
- Brawling gloves (Firemaking)
+ Pet Chance +
Bernie has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 50 is added to this value
Best method: Pitch can firemaking
- Fishing -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-20: Crayfish east of Lummy church (447 fish)
Level 20-70: Trout/salmon east of Lummy church
Level 40-70: Lobsters SE of Catherby
Level 48-70: Barbarian fishing (games neck -> Barbarian outpost -> run south west. Bring fishing bait/feathers) for leaping fish
Level 70-93: Trouth/salmon including crystallise and light form (the Light Within) at River Lum near the God Statue
Level 72-93: Desert soles/catfish/beltfish (with fishing bait) at Menaphos
Level 91-99: Blue blubber jellyfish which makes you some GP (with fishing bait) at the deep sea fishing
Level 93-99: AFK: Prifddinas Waterfall fishing (Plague's End, 90 Ranged, Agility, Strength)
Level 94-99: INTENSE: Fishing frenzy at the deep sea fishing
! Other Bonuses !
- Divine Salmon bubbles (30-89)
- Divine Cavefish bubbles (89-90)
- Divine Rocktail bubbles (90+)
- Giant Oyster Monthly D&D
- Juju fishing potion
- Shark outfit
- Fishing urns
- If possible, combine with Invention
- Brawling gloves (Fishing)
+ Pet Chance +
Bubbles has a chance of f f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Fishing frenzy, crystalising at Menaphos
Level 20-70: Trout/salmon east of Lummy church
Level 40-70: Lobsters SE of Catherby
Level 48-70: Barbarian fishing (games neck -> Barbarian outpost -> run south west. Bring fishing bait/feathers) for leaping fish
Level 70-93: Trouth/salmon including crystallise and light form (the Light Within) at River Lum near the God Statue
Level 72-93: Desert soles/catfish/beltfish (with fishing bait) at Menaphos
Level 91-99: Blue blubber jellyfish which makes you some GP (with fishing bait) at the deep sea fishing
Level 93-99: AFK: Prifddinas Waterfall fishing (Plague's End, 90 Ranged, Agility, Strength)
Level 94-99: INTENSE: Fishing frenzy at the deep sea fishing
! Other Bonuses !
- Divine Salmon bubbles (30-89)
- Divine Cavefish bubbles (89-90)
- Divine Rocktail bubbles (90+)
- Giant Oyster Monthly D&D
- Juju fishing potion
- Shark outfit
- Fishing urns
- If possible, combine with Invention
- Brawling gloves (Fishing)
+ Pet Chance +
Bubbles has a chance of f f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Fishing frenzy, crystalising at Menaphos
- Fletching -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-5: Arrow shafts (78 logs)
Level 5-10: Shortbows (154 logs if you don't string them)
Level 10-20: Shieldbows (332 logs if you don't string them)
Level 20-25: Oak shortbows (210 oak logs if you don't string them)
Level 25-35: Oak shieldbows (583 oak logs if you don't string them)
Level 35-40: Willow shortbows (445 willow logs if you don't string them)
Level 40-50: Willow shieldbows (1545 willow logs if you don't string them)
Level 50-55: Maple shortbows (1307 maple logs if you don't string them)
Level 55-65: Maple shieldbows (4859 maple logs if you don't string them)
Level 65-70: Yew shortbows (4270 yew logs if you don't string them)
Level 70-80: Yew shieldbows (16646 yew logs if you don't string them)
Level 80-85: Magic shortbows (15286 magic logs if you don't string them)
Level 85-90: Magic shieldbows (22817 magic logs if you don't string them)
Level 90-95: Dragon arrows (228348 headless arrows and dragon arrowheads)
XP/h: 675,000
Level 90-99: Ascension bolts (384405 ascension shards)
XP/h: 400,000
Level 95-99: Dark arrows (243600 headless arrows and dark arrowheads)
XP/h: 787,000
Level 95-99: Dragon darts (expensive! 170515 dragon dart tips and feathers)
XP/h: 1,500,000
Level 52-99: Broad arrows (Smoking Kills -> 300 points. 860000 broad arrowheads and headless arrows)
XP/h: 675,000
! Other bonuses !
- Portable fletcher increases XP by 10% and often returns supplies. Click on it once, then stay closeby: you can now fletch from your inventory/action bar and still maintain the portable's effect.
- Fletcher's outfit
+ Pet Chance +
Flo has a chance of f = B * S / 1,000,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Dragon darts
Level 5-10: Shortbows (154 logs if you don't string them)
Level 10-20: Shieldbows (332 logs if you don't string them)
Level 20-25: Oak shortbows (210 oak logs if you don't string them)
Level 25-35: Oak shieldbows (583 oak logs if you don't string them)
Level 35-40: Willow shortbows (445 willow logs if you don't string them)
Level 40-50: Willow shieldbows (1545 willow logs if you don't string them)
Level 50-55: Maple shortbows (1307 maple logs if you don't string them)
Level 55-65: Maple shieldbows (4859 maple logs if you don't string them)
Level 65-70: Yew shortbows (4270 yew logs if you don't string them)
Level 70-80: Yew shieldbows (16646 yew logs if you don't string them)
Level 80-85: Magic shortbows (15286 magic logs if you don't string them)
Level 85-90: Magic shieldbows (22817 magic logs if you don't string them)
Level 90-95: Dragon arrows (228348 headless arrows and dragon arrowheads)
XP/h: 675,000
Level 90-99: Ascension bolts (384405 ascension shards)
XP/h: 400,000
Level 95-99: Dark arrows (243600 headless arrows and dark arrowheads)
XP/h: 787,000
Level 95-99: Dragon darts (expensive! 170515 dragon dart tips and feathers)
XP/h: 1,500,000
Level 52-99: Broad arrows (Smoking Kills -> 300 points. 860000 broad arrowheads and headless arrows)
XP/h: 675,000
! Other bonuses !
- Portable fletcher increases XP by 10% and often returns supplies. Click on it once, then stay closeby: you can now fletch from your inventory/action bar and still maintain the portable's effect.
- Fletcher's outfit
+ Pet Chance +
Flo has a chance of f = B * S / 1,000,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Dragon darts
- Herblore -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-3: Druidic Ritual quest
Level 3-9: Junge Potion quest
Level 1-9: Clean grimy guam/tarromin
Level 9-26: Attack potion (311 guam potion (unf) and eye of newt)
Level 26-38: Energy potion (322 harralander potion (unf) and chocolate dust)
Level 38-99: Prayer potion (to level 55, you need 1557 ranarr potion (unf) and snape grass)
Note: profit on portable well
Level 45-99: Super attack potion (to level 55, you need 1052 irit potion (unf) and eye of newt)
Note: profit on portable well
Level 55-76: Super strength potion (to level 76, you need 9359 kwuarm potion (unf) and limpwurt root)
Note: is this profit? If so it can be done till 99 for better XP rates than Super attack. Have not tried
Level 76-99: Super ranging potion (to level 84, you need 9939 dwarf weed potion (unf) and wine of zamorak)
Note: profit on portable well
XP/h: 570,000
Level 84-88: UNTRADEABLE: Adrenaline potion (7173 Super energy (3) and papaya fruit)
Level 85-88: UNTRADEABLE: Super antifires (The Golem quest, 5368 Antifire (3) and Phoenix feather. The latter can best be obtained with the use of portents)
Level 84-99: TRADEABLE: Saradomin brews (to level 88, 7969 Toadflax potion (unf) and crushed nest)
Level 88-96: Extreme potions (3900 of each)
- Extreme attack: super attack (3) and avantoe
- Extreme strength: super strength (3) and dwarf weed
- Extreme defence: super defence (3) and lantadyme
- Extreme magic: super magic (3) and ground mud rune
- Extreme ranging: super ranging (3) and grenwall spikes
Level 96-99: Overloads (using the extremes you've made above and a torstol)
Note: I recommend making combination potions for the extra effects and doses you get from this
Level 94-99: Prayer renewals (cheaper than the overload shabang. 26789 Fellstalk potion (unf) and morchella mushrooms)
! Other bonuses !
- Portable well use is highly recommended for the 10% extra XP and the return of secondary supplies and making of extra potions. Click the well once to use it, then stay nearby. You can now train from your inventory/action bar while maintaining the portable well's buffs
- Warbands
- Botanist outfit
+ Pet Chance +
Herbert has a chance of f = B * S / 2,250,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Overloads
Level 3-9: Junge Potion quest
Level 1-9: Clean grimy guam/tarromin
Level 9-26: Attack potion (311 guam potion (unf) and eye of newt)
Level 26-38: Energy potion (322 harralander potion (unf) and chocolate dust)
Level 38-99: Prayer potion (to level 55, you need 1557 ranarr potion (unf) and snape grass)
Note: profit on portable well
Level 45-99: Super attack potion (to level 55, you need 1052 irit potion (unf) and eye of newt)
Note: profit on portable well
Level 55-76: Super strength potion (to level 76, you need 9359 kwuarm potion (unf) and limpwurt root)
Note: is this profit? If so it can be done till 99 for better XP rates than Super attack. Have not tried
Level 76-99: Super ranging potion (to level 84, you need 9939 dwarf weed potion (unf) and wine of zamorak)
Note: profit on portable well
XP/h: 570,000
Level 84-88: UNTRADEABLE: Adrenaline potion (7173 Super energy (3) and papaya fruit)
Level 85-88: UNTRADEABLE: Super antifires (The Golem quest, 5368 Antifire (3) and Phoenix feather. The latter can best be obtained with the use of portents)
Level 84-99: TRADEABLE: Saradomin brews (to level 88, 7969 Toadflax potion (unf) and crushed nest)
Level 88-96: Extreme potions (3900 of each)
- Extreme attack: super attack (3) and avantoe
- Extreme strength: super strength (3) and dwarf weed
- Extreme defence: super defence (3) and lantadyme
- Extreme magic: super magic (3) and ground mud rune
- Extreme ranging: super ranging (3) and grenwall spikes
Level 96-99: Overloads (using the extremes you've made above and a torstol)
Note: I recommend making combination potions for the extra effects and doses you get from this
Level 94-99: Prayer renewals (cheaper than the overload shabang. 26789 Fellstalk potion (unf) and morchella mushrooms)
! Other bonuses !
- Portable well use is highly recommended for the 10% extra XP and the return of secondary supplies and making of extra potions. Click the well once to use it, then stay nearby. You can now train from your inventory/action bar while maintaining the portable well's buffs
- Warbands
- Botanist outfit
+ Pet Chance +
Herbert has a chance of f = B * S / 2,250,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Overloads
- Hunter -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-20: Vinesweeper minigame, feeding ogleroots to rabbits
XP/h: 10,000
Level 20-27: Tropical Wagtails (or continue Vinesweeper)
XP/h: 11,500
Level 27-46: Cobalt skillchompas
XP/h: 30,000 till level 40, then an extra trap can be used: 40,000
Level 46-68: Viridian skillchompas
XP/h: 70,000 till level 60, then an extra trap can be used: 80,000
Level 68-77: Azure skillchompas
XP/h: 135,000
Level 77-96: Grenwalls (Regicide Quest, Crystallise/Light Form, medium Tirannwn tasks, bonecrusher, herbicide, demon horn necklace
XP/h: increasing till 800,000
Level 80-88: Draconic Jadinkos
Level 89-96: Crimson skillchompas
XP/h: 400,000
Level 96-99: Ornate tortles (Impressing the Locals)
XP/h: increasing till 900,000
Level 97-99: Crystal skillchompas
XP/h: 520,000 - 700,000 depending on agility level
! Other Bonuses !
- Hunter urns
- Hunter Fragment from the Light Within quest will automatically reset traps for you
- Divine locations (e.g. divine box trap)
- Protean traps (60 can be auto-deployed)
- Hunter outfit from the Arc
- Yaktwee stick
- Brawling gloves (Hunter)
+ Pet Chance +
Ace has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Ornate tortles
XP/h: 10,000
Level 20-27: Tropical Wagtails (or continue Vinesweeper)
XP/h: 11,500
Level 27-46: Cobalt skillchompas
XP/h: 30,000 till level 40, then an extra trap can be used: 40,000
Level 46-68: Viridian skillchompas
XP/h: 70,000 till level 60, then an extra trap can be used: 80,000
Level 68-77: Azure skillchompas
XP/h: 135,000
Level 77-96: Grenwalls (Regicide Quest, Crystallise/Light Form, medium Tirannwn tasks, bonecrusher, herbicide, demon horn necklace
XP/h: increasing till 800,000
Level 80-88: Draconic Jadinkos
Level 89-96: Crimson skillchompas
XP/h: 400,000
Level 96-99: Ornate tortles (Impressing the Locals)
XP/h: increasing till 900,000
Level 97-99: Crystal skillchompas
XP/h: 520,000 - 700,000 depending on agility level
! Other Bonuses !
- Hunter urns
- Hunter Fragment from the Light Within quest will automatically reset traps for you
- Divine locations (e.g. divine box trap)
- Protean traps (60 can be auto-deployed)
- Hunter outfit from the Arc
- Yaktwee stick
- Brawling gloves (Hunter)
+ Pet Chance +
Ace has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200M a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Ornate tortles
- Invention -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-4: Invention tutorial
Level 4-27: Research augmented item maximum level 5 blueprint, augment a black salamander and train it to level 5, then disassemble it (you lose it)
Level 27-120: Research equipment siphon, you can now siphon an item for 50% of the XP you would have gotten for disassembling it (you don't lose it). Train your augmented item till level 12 when you can (at level 60), then siphon it
Note: be sure to check out our useful perks guide
Note: your item will level up fast when you are getting high combat/skilling XP rates
Note: a lot of XP can be gained by regularly reseaching new unlocks
+ Pet Chance +
Malcolm has a chance of f = B * S / 9,000,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Siphon T92/90 gear, disassemble T70 gear
Level 4-27: Research augmented item maximum level 5 blueprint, augment a black salamander and train it to level 5, then disassemble it (you lose it)
Level 27-120: Research equipment siphon, you can now siphon an item for 50% of the XP you would have gotten for disassembling it (you don't lose it). Train your augmented item till level 12 when you can (at level 60), then siphon it
Note: be sure to check out our useful perks guide
Note: your item will level up fast when you are getting high combat/skilling XP rates
Note: a lot of XP can be gained by regularly reseaching new unlocks
+ Pet Chance +
Malcolm has a chance of f = B * S / 9,000,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual skill level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Siphon T92/90 gear, disassemble T70 gear
- Magic -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-30: Trolls in the cave north of Burthorpe
Level 30-40: Ice warriors
XP/h: 42,000
Level 40-60: Ghouls (Priest in Peril quest)
XP/h: 60,000
Level 60-70: Earth warriors
XP/h: 85,000
Level 70-99: Abyss (Completion of the Abyss miniquest) - See the abyss guide
XP/h: 500,000 - 600,000
Level 85-99: Waterfiends (for charms, Ancient Caverns) - Needs Virtus wand/book or Nox Staff
XP/h: 375,000
Level 85-99: Abyssal demons at the Slayer tower (click here)
XP/h: 500,000-600,000 and 5M GP/h
Level 85-99: Glacors (Ritual of the Mahjarrat)
XP/h: 500,000 - 600,000
! Other bonuses !
- Combat Dummies
- The circus at lower levels
- Train while Slaying
- Brawling gloves (Magic): consume during normal training
- If possible, combine with Invention training
- Potions such as super/extreme/overloads
- Brawling gloves (Magic)
+ Pet Chance +
Newton has a higher chance to be discovered at a high amount of experience at once.
Best method: High level bosses
Level 30-40: Ice warriors
XP/h: 42,000
Level 40-60: Ghouls (Priest in Peril quest)
XP/h: 60,000
Level 60-70: Earth warriors
XP/h: 85,000
Level 70-99: Abyss (Completion of the Abyss miniquest) - See the abyss guide
XP/h: 500,000 - 600,000
Level 85-99: Waterfiends (for charms, Ancient Caverns) - Needs Virtus wand/book or Nox Staff
XP/h: 375,000
Level 85-99: Abyssal demons at the Slayer tower (click here)
XP/h: 500,000-600,000 and 5M GP/h
Level 85-99: Glacors (Ritual of the Mahjarrat)
XP/h: 500,000 - 600,000
! Other bonuses !
- Combat Dummies
- The circus at lower levels
- Train while Slaying
- Brawling gloves (Magic): consume during normal training
- If possible, combine with Invention training
- Potions such as super/extreme/overloads
- Brawling gloves (Magic)
+ Pet Chance +
Newton has a higher chance to be discovered at a high amount of experience at once.
Best method: High level bosses
- Mining -
- Prayer -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-99: Dragon bones or Frost dragon bones on a gilded altar (world 31 Yanille)
Level 1-99: Bonecrusher (reward from dungeoneering. With demonhorn necklace reward from dungeoneering will automatically heal your prayer when you fight NPCs that drop bones)
Level 75-99: Prifddinas Hefin Cathedral - Cleansing crystals (Plague's End)
Level 85-99: Abyssal demons at the Slayer tower with a bonecrusher (click here)
Level 92-99: Vyrewatches (River of Blood, Elite Morytania achievements). Guide can be found here
! Other Bonuses !
- First Age outfit
- Prayer urns
- Monthly God Statues
- Brawling gloves (Prayer)
+ Pet Chance +
Ghostly can be obtained through all ways of training Prayer.
Best method: unknown
Level 1-99: Bonecrusher (reward from dungeoneering. With demonhorn necklace reward from dungeoneering will automatically heal your prayer when you fight NPCs that drop bones)
Level 75-99: Prifddinas Hefin Cathedral - Cleansing crystals (Plague's End)
Level 85-99: Abyssal demons at the Slayer tower with a bonecrusher (click here)
Level 92-99: Vyrewatches (River of Blood, Elite Morytania achievements). Guide can be found here
! Other Bonuses !
- First Age outfit
- Prayer urns
- Monthly God Statues
- Brawling gloves (Prayer)
+ Pet Chance +
Ghostly can be obtained through all ways of training Prayer.
Best method: unknown
- Ranged -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1- 30: Trolls in the cave north of Burthorpe
Level 30-50: Baby blue dragons/Druids/Giant bats
XP/h: 35,000
Level 50-70: Blue dragons/Lesser demons/Black demons
XP/h: 60,000
Level 70-99: Abyss (Completion of the Abyss miniquest) - See the abyss guide
XP/h: 600,000 - 800,000
Level 80-99: Waterfiends (for charms, Ancient Caverns) - Needs royal crossbow / Nox longbow
XP/h: 375,000
! Other bonuses !
- Combat Dummies
- The circus at lower levels
- Train while Slaying
- Brawling gloves (Ranging): consume during normal training
- If possible, combine with Invention training
- Potions e.g. super/extreme/overload
+ Pet Chance +
Sparky has a higher chance to be discovered at a high amount of experience at once.
Best method: High level bosses
- Runecrafting -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-99: Runespan
Level 1-11: Rune Mysteries and Abyss Miniquest
Level 66-77: Nature runes. Through the abyss, use a demonic skull.
XP/h: 74,500 - 93,6000 depending on use of small, medium, large pouches, and adding giant pouches at level 75
Note: profit
Level 77-90: Blood runes. Through the abyss, use a demonic skull. (Legacy of Seergace)
XP/h: 109,000
Note: more profit
Level 90-99: Soul runes. Through the abyss, use a demonic skull. ('Phite Club)
XP/h: 385,000
! Other bonuses !
- Runecrafting urns when making runes
- Ethereal outfit
- Runecrafting urns
+ Pet Chance +
Rue has a chance of f = B * S / 1,400,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Soul runes
Level 1-11: Rune Mysteries and Abyss Miniquest
Level 66-77: Nature runes. Through the abyss, use a demonic skull.
XP/h: 74,500 - 93,6000 depending on use of small, medium, large pouches, and adding giant pouches at level 75
Note: profit
Level 77-90: Blood runes. Through the abyss, use a demonic skull. (Legacy of Seergace)
XP/h: 109,000
Note: more profit
Level 90-99: Soul runes. Through the abyss, use a demonic skull. ('Phite Club)
XP/h: 385,000
! Other bonuses !
- Runecrafting urns when making runes
- Ethereal outfit
- Runecrafting urns
+ Pet Chance +
Rue has a chance of f = B * S / 1,400,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
B = base experience per action
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 200 is applied to this value
Best method: Soul runes
- Slayer -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-99: Scarabs in Menaphos (no combat XP)
Level 1-35: Slayer master Vannaka in Edgeville
XP/h: 36,000
Note: do all tasks
Level 35-50: Slayer master Sumona in Pollnivneach (Smoking Kills)
XP/h: 74,000
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Cave crawlers, Black demons, Bloodvelds, Fire giants, Elves, Kalphites, Iron dragons, Dagganoths, Red dragons
- Prefer: n/a
- Block: Banshees, Greater demons, Grotworms
Level 50-75: Slayer master Duradel in Shilo Village (Shilo Village quest)
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Aviansies, Automatons, Black demons, Bloodvelds, Fire giants, Elves, Gargoyles, Jungle strykeworms, Kalphites, Iron dragons, Waterfiends
- Prefer: n/a
- Block: Greater demons, Grotworms
Level 75-85: Slayer master Kuradal at the Ancient Caverns
XP/h: 191,000
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Automatons, Aviansies, Black demons, Black dragons, Celestial dragons, Chaos giants, Elves, Glacors, Steel dragons, Kalphites, Mithril dragons, Skeletal Wyverns, Spiritual mages, Tormented demons
- Prefer: Waterfiends
- Block: Aberrant spectres, Greater demons, Grotworms, Dagannoths
Level 85-120: Slayer master Morvran at Prifddinas (Plague's End)
XP/h: 450,000 - 600,000
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Waterfiends, Celestial dragons, Tormented demons, Shadow creatures
- Prefer: Elves, Abyssal demons, Glacors, Nightmare muspahs, Dark beasts, Airut, Soul devourers
- Block: Greater demons, Grotworms, Black demons, Ascension members, Dagannoths
- Or, check out the following link for another guide here
! Other bonuses !
- Slayer masks
- Slayer dummies
- God Statues Monthly D&D
+ Pet Chance +
Crabbe can be obtained by training slayer (duh). A bigger XP drop will increase your chances.
Best method: finishing your Soul reaper assignment
Level 1-35: Slayer master Vannaka in Edgeville
XP/h: 36,000
Note: do all tasks
Level 35-50: Slayer master Sumona in Pollnivneach (Smoking Kills)
XP/h: 74,000
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Cave crawlers, Black demons, Bloodvelds, Fire giants, Elves, Kalphites, Iron dragons, Dagganoths, Red dragons
- Prefer: n/a
- Block: Banshees, Greater demons, Grotworms
Level 50-75: Slayer master Duradel in Shilo Village (Shilo Village quest)
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Aviansies, Automatons, Black demons, Bloodvelds, Fire giants, Elves, Gargoyles, Jungle strykeworms, Kalphites, Iron dragons, Waterfiends
- Prefer: n/a
- Block: Greater demons, Grotworms
Level 75-85: Slayer master Kuradal at the Ancient Caverns
XP/h: 191,000
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Automatons, Aviansies, Black demons, Black dragons, Celestial dragons, Chaos giants, Elves, Glacors, Steel dragons, Kalphites, Mithril dragons, Skeletal Wyverns, Spiritual mages, Tormented demons
- Prefer: Waterfiends
- Block: Aberrant spectres, Greater demons, Grotworms, Dagannoths
Level 85-120: Slayer master Morvran at Prifddinas (Plague's End)
XP/h: 450,000 - 600,000
Note: do/prefer/block the following:
- Do: Waterfiends, Celestial dragons, Tormented demons, Shadow creatures
- Prefer: Elves, Abyssal demons, Glacors, Nightmare muspahs, Dark beasts, Airut, Soul devourers
- Block: Greater demons, Grotworms, Black demons, Ascension members, Dagannoths
- Or, check out the following link for another guide here
! Other bonuses !
- Slayer masks
- Slayer dummies
- God Statues Monthly D&D
+ Pet Chance +
Crabbe can be obtained by training slayer (duh). A bigger XP drop will increase your chances.
Best method: finishing your Soul reaper assignment
- Smithing -
- Strength -
Same as attack

- Summoning -
Spoiler (Click to View)
(I recommend training this skill on DXPW to halve the time it takes to gather charms)
Level 1-4: Wolf Whistle quest
Level 4-99: I can type it all out, but honestly it's hard to predict which charms you will have. You're better off just checking out the table at the bottom of this page to see which pouch to make with which charm. Try to save up your crimson and blue charms as much as you can until later levels
! Other bonuses !
- Charming imp can pick up charms for you, and eat charms (I suggest eating gold/green after like level 60) for some XP
- Shaman outfit
- Citadel Obelisk
- Familiarisation minigame
- Spirit gems. You can forge them together to make the use easier
+ Pet Chance +
Shamini can be obtained by training summoning (even from your charming imp). The larger the XP drop, the higher your chance to obtain this pet
Best method: Geyser titans, Pack yaks, Fire titan, Moss titan pouches
Level 1-4: Wolf Whistle quest
Level 4-99: I can type it all out, but honestly it's hard to predict which charms you will have. You're better off just checking out the table at the bottom of this page to see which pouch to make with which charm. Try to save up your crimson and blue charms as much as you can until later levels
! Other bonuses !
- Charming imp can pick up charms for you, and eat charms (I suggest eating gold/green after like level 60) for some XP
- Shaman outfit
- Citadel Obelisk
- Familiarisation minigame
- Spirit gems. You can forge them together to make the use easier
+ Pet Chance +
Shamini can be obtained by training summoning (even from your charming imp). The larger the XP drop, the higher your chance to obtain this pet
Best method: Geyser titans, Pack yaks, Fire titan, Moss titan pouches
- Thieving -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-5: Pickpocket pompous merchant in Taverley
Level 5-15: Steal from bakery stall in Catherby
Level 15-41: Practise chests in the Thieves' Guild (Buyers and Cellars quest). Hop worlds, bring lockpick
XP/h: 60,000-80,000 depending on level
Level 21-62: Pyramid plunder
Level 41-62: Coshing volunteers in the Thieves' Guild (Capers miniquests, The Feud quest). See this video, starting at 3:08
XP/h: 80,000-140,000 depending on skill/luck
Level 62-99: Safecracking. See this video.
XP/h: insane, up to 875,000 or 400,000 AFK
Level 90-99: Pickpocket Dwarf traders (Keldagrim, Crystal mask, light form)
XP/h: 700,000-800,000
- World 48 usually has the guards locked up for you already
- Five Finger Discount aura (+ vis wax to extend)
- Body and soul runes, lava staff -> crystal mask
- Prayer renewal, potions -> light form
- Soul-in-a-box (usually active already on world 48)
- Seedicide
Level 94-99: Pickpocket Elves in Prifddinas (more GP, clue scrolls). Plague's End
XP/h: up to 370,000
! Other bonuses !
- Black ibis outfit or Trahearn exoskeleton outfit
- Master camoflage outfit (replaces above)
- Brawling gloves (Thieving)
- Heist minigame
+ Pet Chance +
Ralph has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Prif Elves, Dwarf traders
Level 5-15: Steal from bakery stall in Catherby
Level 15-41: Practise chests in the Thieves' Guild (Buyers and Cellars quest). Hop worlds, bring lockpick
XP/h: 60,000-80,000 depending on level
Level 21-62: Pyramid plunder
Level 41-62: Coshing volunteers in the Thieves' Guild (Capers miniquests, The Feud quest). See this video, starting at 3:08
XP/h: 80,000-140,000 depending on skill/luck
Level 62-99: Safecracking. See this video.
XP/h: insane, up to 875,000 or 400,000 AFK
Level 90-99: Pickpocket Dwarf traders (Keldagrim, Crystal mask, light form)
XP/h: 700,000-800,000
- World 48 usually has the guards locked up for you already
- Five Finger Discount aura (+ vis wax to extend)
- Body and soul runes, lava staff -> crystal mask
- Prayer renewal, potions -> light form
- Soul-in-a-box (usually active already on world 48)
- Seedicide
Level 94-99: Pickpocket Elves in Prifddinas (more GP, clue scrolls). Plague's End
XP/h: up to 370,000
! Other bonuses !
- Black ibis outfit or Trahearn exoskeleton outfit
- Master camoflage outfit (replaces above)
- Brawling gloves (Thieving)
- Heist minigame
+ Pet Chance +
Ralph has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Prif Elves, Dwarf traders
- Woodcutting -
Spoiler (Click to View)
Level 1-15: Trees
Level 15-30: Oak trees
Level 30-35: Willow trees
Level 35-47: Teak trees
Level 47-99: Acadia trees in Menaphos, Crystallise, Light form
Level 68-99: Ivy
Level 94-99: Crystal trees (slower than acadia trees, but no crystallise/light form required)
Level 96-99: Golden bamboo at the Arc
Level 82-99: Divine yew trees (best!). Extend daily limit with vis wax. 00:00 at world 48, or 17:20 at world 140
! Other bonuses !
- Woodcutting urns
- Lumberjack outfit
- Sentinel outfit (better)
- Try to combine with Invention
- Brawling gloves (WC): lever at Edgeville -> walk west -> drop & chop divine yew
- Skillchompas
- Juju woodcutting potion
+ Pet Chance +
Woody has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Crystalising Acadia trees
Level 15-30: Oak trees
Level 30-35: Willow trees
Level 35-47: Teak trees
Level 47-99: Acadia trees in Menaphos, Crystallise, Light form
Level 68-99: Ivy
Level 94-99: Crystal trees (slower than acadia trees, but no crystallise/light form required)
Level 96-99: Golden bamboo at the Arc
Level 82-99: Divine yew trees (best!). Extend daily limit with vis wax. 00:00 at world 48, or 17:20 at world 140
! Other bonuses !
- Woodcutting urns
- Lumberjack outfit
- Sentinel outfit (better)
- Try to combine with Invention
- Brawling gloves (WC): lever at Edgeville -> walk west -> drop & chop divine yew
- Skillchompas
- Juju woodcutting potion
+ Pet Chance +
Woody has a chance of f = T * S / 50,000,000 to be discovered, where
f = pet chance
T = estimated completion time in ticks
S = virtual level, at 200m a flat bonus of 50 is applied to this value
Best method: Crystalising Acadia trees