2020-09-16 22:27:05
Surreal Updates
Rule adjustments & more!

In Surreal, you matter!
This is a truth that I undoubtedly know resonates within everyone's hearts. Surreal is so much more than just a clan; we're a family. With that said, the staff team has two linked threads of importance for you to have a read through. @

Member to Staff Communication
Surreal Clan - Positive People and Moments
Surreal: Updated Rules
We took a look at our clan rules and, with thanks to @

Show Respect
Show respect to your fellow members at all times. Should a member feel uncomfortable or disrespected in any manner they should contact a member of the Staff Team to assist in solving the issue in a drama-free manner.
Show Manners
We're not here to police you on swearing, however do not be excessive in using such language. Keep things civil and appropriate to avoid drama and conflict.
No Conflict
Conflict is not cool. Do not bring it here, and do not drag it out should an issue arise. If you have any issues with another member immediately bring it to the attention of the Staff Team and let them handle it. All conflict will be worked on a case by case basis to determine the best course of action for the clan and individuals involved. Should you have any questions or concerns surrounding a conflict that involves you please do not hesitate to make them known to a member of the Staff Team.
No Botting
We are strictly a No-Botting Clan. Should you be caught cheating you will be banned from the clan immediately.
English Only
To help make everybody feel comfortable and welcome, please use English only when speaking in public Surreal chats. If you'd like to speak in other languages, please do so privately.
Clowder Alliance Guidelines
Towards the end of August, Clowder leader @Beccah and Surreal leader @

The following things are allowed:
- Hang out in Clowder's clan chat (be sure to represent us well and stick to their rules
- Participate in their events with their permission. Vice versa as well.
- If you've been a guest for quite some time, you may ask to join their Discord. Approval from Beccah (Clowder) and Lady Spyra (Surreal) is needed.
The following things are NOT allowed:
- Break any clan rules in either chat (duh)
- Join them (aside from multi-clanners who are in both clans right now). If you're truly unhappy in Surreal and leadership is unable to fix the issues for you, please try out a different clan before joining Clowder. We do not allow recruitment from one another. We are here to support each other, not break each other down.