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Runescape Name: dusted x
Age: 20
Country: Estonia
Describe yourself in one word: intresting

What got you started playing Runescape?: can't remember really, was way back.
Favorite Movie: Dark Knight
Occupation: gym
Welcome to Surreal Biggrin

Dark Knight = Good film.

Seen it about 5 times
[Image: Pokemon_logo___Umbreon_by_PrinzeBur.gif]
Welcome to Surreal smile
very interesting indeed, welcome Georg to Surreal Biggrin
I have been to Estonia! Biggrin

Welcome to Surreal Georg. smile
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Welcome to surreal hope you enjoy your stay. smile
Welcome to the Surreal forums. smile
Estonia, huh? I had a friend from Estonia and he was a riot.. until he was deported Sad

Looking forward to meeting my new Estonian clanmate, welcome to Surreal! Biggrin
Dark Knight = Awesome film!

Welcome to Surreal. Biggrin
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Hey Georg! I saw you in the Surreal channel, and you're pretty nice. Welcome to the Surreal Community! Bye

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