How did you choose your RS name?

my friend owned this account b4 me, then he quit and gave it to me and i was like WOW a lv 22! thanks!(cuz i was a huge noob back then) it was lukeking2.0. his name, last name, and he liked electroniks so 2.0 for like a better version. of corse, the . showed up as a space so that was it. name changing came along and i redid the name. nick, my name, king, my friends last name, and i kept the 2 0 cuz i felt like it.

unfortunently, some "things" happened to my friend which is y i didnt change much... pritty sure u can guess the rest.
Crxc means so much to me.
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Hello + random numbers.

Never bothered to change. I don't really care.
Well really, I just stuck my real life name, and a nickname together.
Koltonkorn Biggrin.
I wanted a nice name to match my smithing cape.
Smith Master isn't bad I guess smile
easy! My first name was wizkid1132, then I switched to Kevin L J, my actual name (how convenient)

Upon looking for a new name, I thought I'd combine the two!

Wizkid + Kevin = Wizinn!

It makes so much sense! Biggrin

When I created my account, adding "ies" to the end of words was the current thing and well, rawr alway seems to be something people randomly say and that's how Rawries was created.
[Image: rawries.png]
well i was 10 when i started rs -.- so i put in kieran and kieran1127 was the one recommended so i had it Lol
I used to play another game where I had the username Angury (no idea where it came from, it just popped into my head..) so I decided to use the same username for Runescape.
Alot of people seem to think that I misspelt my own username and it's actually supposed to be "Angry" while others think it's supposed to be "Augury."
It's Angury. To_keep_order
This current name I stole off a friend as a joke, it was his first name in RS but he didn't realise he could change his current name to it since the first account was banned so I took it, said hi, he raged and hasn't talked to me since :p

I won't change my name again though until I can upgrade to the one I've been watching since 2003, it disappeared from the high-scores early this year so it's only a matter of time.

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