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Hello, I am Brian smile

I have been in many clans in the past and this one comes second to the best I have ever seen in organization, rules that fit my liking and overall a mature atmosphere.

I strive to find the best clans to be in and am very strict about what I will and will not tolerate within a clan, nothing to serious. Just things like cursing and constant flaming (even as jokes it gets annoying after 10 times in a row). No

I have been playing Runescape for seven years now and still have not maxed my account so my attempts to find a skilling clan lately have taken me far and wide, I tried a few but have not yet found one I want to call home. I was previously largely in warring and pking clans, I found satisfaction in those clans for over 5 years until now when the urge to finish my account is upon me.

In real life I am 24 years old, I have 2 kids and one coming next month. My wife also plays Runescape but not very much so she tends to stray from entering any clans with me. We had initially intended to open our own but upon finding out she was pregnant we held off on the idea. I don't think now we will ever have the time to run our own clan so I started looking.

I served in the US military for 5 years after graduating highschool and have since started attending University to achieve my Associates in IT. I am currently about half way through my courses. I work part time right now at a Sears department hopefully getting full time in the next few months. I love reading and watching my tv shows via Netflix as we have not had cable now for over two years, we found it not needed and too costly lol. You can get everything on the internet these days anyways. I also like to go out with my friends and family for social gatherings, bbqs and camping about every weekend. Now that winter has set in I suppose some of that will slow down though giving me a little more time to play Runescape.

I am obviously pretty busy but I honestly never had any problem in previous clans with event attendance or forum activity so I see no foreseeable problems here.

I am however currently f2p has some financial issues have arisen within the pregnancy and normal maintenance of our home so I cannot join quite yet. I am hoping around the 3rd or 4th of Nov I will be able to attain membership again, at which time I can apply to be a trial member.

I would like to give some basic clan history of mine here as well.

I started out in 2004 at level 37 entering a low level pking clan in which I stayed with until I hit a level in which they no longer catered to me.

I than joined a 80+ combat warring clan who I stayed with until just last October, I became an Admin there after 3 years and was an Admin for just over 1 year. During this time I was also highly involved in a GWD clan in which I also was an Admin in. The part about me being two admins of two different clans is what became my downfall as I had to spend all my time on the forums approving members, settling disputes, etc.. I had no time at all for playing Runescape and eventually became one of those Admins you never see. I decided to step down from both clans and completely left both eventually to start my maxed total level goal.

Since than I have been in two skilling clans but neither of which were very organized, one even had no requirements what so ever, including attendance or forum activity, not speaking bad of them because everyone is entitled to their own it just wasn't the right place for me.

So, that's basically me in a large nutshell, I hope to get to know some Surreal skillers before applying while I wait and hope we have some fun times!! Grin Yu
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Well that was an impressive intro right there! Welcome to Surreal, Brian. Don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything (you know that already). Seems like you've got a storied clan history, would expect so from someone who's been playing for so long - but I'm sure you'll fit right in here. I am very particular about rules and such, so this should be a good experience for you.

I look forward to speaking with you in the future as I am right now. See you around and make yourself right at home. Wub
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
That's got to be one of the most brilliant introductions I've read in a long while, so on that note, welcome to Surreal! It's a pleasure to have you on our forums, and even better to see you have intentions of joining soon. Hopefully you get your membership status sorted soon enough, but in the meanwhile feel free to hang around and meet the rest of the clan. smile
Adventurer's Log | Exp Tracker | Goals & Achievements
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Thanks guys, I too hope I can join soon smile
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Hey Bug I enjoyed chatting tonight, and reading your Intro. Good luck with the financial situations/membership.
My older brother is 24 and spent a year in Iraq, so as a fellow American I'd say thanks for serving smile
I actually forgot something.

I have and love my two dogs! I have a 3 almost 4 year old black lab/cocker spaniel mix named Rory and we recently bought a German Shepard puppy named Bella, she is 4 months old now.

I'll add some pictures later tomorrow smile
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
(2010-10-29 07:28:32)Bug Wrote:  I actually forgot something.

I have and love my two dogs! I have a 3 almost 4 year old black lab/cocker spaniel mix named Rory and we recently bought a German Shepard puppy named Bella, she is 4 months old now.

I'll add some pictures later tomorrow smile

Aww.. a German Shepard? That's my dream dog when I move out of home. They're just so cute and loyal Wub
Adventurer's Log | Exp Tracker | Goals & Achievements
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

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