Hey Ya'llllll
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*Update 1/14/2011*
I'm leaving tomorrow to move back to University from my parents house. It is my first time back on campus after 23 months of cancer treatment at home. My play times/habits may change a bit, but probably not much because my Dr's only want me taking 3 courses. Wish me luck guys and thanks for the support =)

My Name is Dennis, hence my forum name. (Dennis the Menace is a character in American Pop Culture) Anyway, I'm a 21 year old student at Virginia Tech. Its terrible that everyone probably knows about that school for a bad reason, but its awesome and I love it.

I liked reading members who had bio's and didn't just answer the ?'s, which is why I'm editing my introduction post. This is kinda personal but such a huge part of my life that I may as well post it. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma @ the age of 19. The first 4 types of chemo didn't work so I have had 2 different stem cell transplants and radiation. The latest transplant was July 7th, and I am doing well since then. These medical problems have kept me from finishing @ University, but I am hoping to go back this spring to finally finish up!!

It may be weird to put this kinda thing up on a RS clan website, but I think I really needed to get it out there and just let people know whats up.

Runescape Name: Ck Pure - PMod
Real-life name/nickname: theMENACE
Age: 21
Country: U.S.
Describe yourself in one word: Complicated

What got you started playing Runescape?: Bored 1 summer 9-10ish years ago
Favorite Movie: 101 Dalmations/Green Street Hooligans
Occupation: Its Complicated/Student
Other language(s): English only Sad
Hobbies/talents: all sports
Welcome to the forums smile I'll call you Ck cause it's easy for me to type Biggrin I look forward to seeing you around, let me know if you need anything and make yourself right at home. Epic that you are a Player mod too, Jagex hearts you <3
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Was nice to chat to you earlier in the Clan Chat smile

Enjoy your time at Surreal!
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Welcome to the Surreal forums! I've talked to you in game already and look forward to future talks smile
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Welcome to Surreal Dennis
Welcome to the clan Dennis ! Great to have a Pmod in the clan :p Hope you continue feeling better with your conditions man. Hope to see you around Wink
Welcome! theMENACE!

Welcome to the Clan!<3

Hi Dennis and welcome to Surreal smile
Welcome to the Surreal Clan mate, nice to have you aboard, the more the merrier Biggrin

[Image: xjWu8.png]
[Image: 2a6jyb5.png]

Welcome dude Wink

Blood brothers <33333333333333


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