What does your name mean?
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Original RS name was Lilsk8rboi06.

"sk8rboi" from the Avril Lavigne song cos I had a huge crush on her. Wub

"Lil" because in real life I'm like 5'5 atm which is fairly small... not to mention I created the account 4 years ago so I was almost midget sized. xD

And I used "06" as I started playing in 2006. smile

Then when the name change came I chose "LilSlayerNub" due to me doing nothing then Slayer. Then changed to "Synner A7X" as I love Avenged Sevenfold (The Band) then changed to "Yak on Smack" just as I thought it was a cool name.

Finally decided to have "L i l" partly due to "Lil" being taken Beee and the fact I was simply called "Lil" in game due to my original name.

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