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Runescape Name: Saintttt
Real-life name/nickname: Eric!
Age: 17
Country: United States of Americaaaaaa
Describe yourself in one word: Laid Back (2 words, I know)

What made you start playing runescape: Friend made me make an account back in 2005 ish Tongue
Favorite Movie: FAST 5
Occupation: None atm, currently looking for one!
Other language(s): I'm fluent in ASL (American Sign Language)
Hobbies/talents: Well I love sports Tongue I play(ed) baseball for 11 years, wrestled for 4, running x-country for 2, and I may do track this year. Depends if I get a job or not.

Currently I don't know anyone in here aside for Stev3 <3333333 I'm hoping to bang out the last 15m xp I need for 65% cb xp so I can join Biggrin Feel free to talk to me via IRC or PM me on forums w/e. I usually don't add people in-game unless I know them or they're an active RSD member.

* RSD is the PvP clan I'm in... I hope that's okay or else I won't be posting an application any time soon! Tongue And yes, joining Surreal is within RSD's rules :O
Ohai Eric, welcome to the clan smile
Hope you enjoy your time smile

Go get that skilling exp Wink
[Image: unled1bqq.png]
Hi Eric!

Best of luck getting across that requirement to join.
You'll have that licked in no time!

By the way, "laidbackdontyouknow" is one word in my dictionary. Good
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor

Hello Eric, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Hey and welcome! smile
Welcome to the clan Eric!
I hope you get to know more of us while you spend time here!
[Image: AaXEhqE.png]
Welcome, Eric! Being in RSD is no problem, it's mostly other skilling clans that we don't allow people to be in, or clans that are just straight up bad news, haha. But Stev3 is/was in RSD and we loved having him around, so I'm sure you'll be the same!

Please enjoy your stay with us and let us know if you need anything!
Hey Eric!

Get that ex pee! Hope too see you around :]
[Image: your+ad+10.jpg]

I'm so glad to see you are joining even though I'm retired :S
Perhaps I'll unretire once you join!
Hello and Welcome to the forums

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