2011-11-07 19:42:49
Runescape Name: Penor Rocket (Avenues soon)
Real-life name/nicknameuke
Age: 16
Country: US
Describe yourself in one word: Epic (in a non-cocky way)
What made you start playing runescape: Been playing nearly 6 years now, had this acc for 9 months
Favorite Movie: All bourne movies
Occupation: I work at a carshop that my dad owns, i grind undercoating off of old cars
Other language(s):leetspeak, duh
Hobbies/talents: Runescape, guitar, girls, movies, weed, yeahhh pretty much
Real-life name/nicknameuke
Age: 16
Country: US
Describe yourself in one word: Epic (in a non-cocky way)
What made you start playing runescape: Been playing nearly 6 years now, had this acc for 9 months
Favorite Movie: All bourne movies
Occupation: I work at a carshop that my dad owns, i grind undercoating off of old cars
Other language(s):leetspeak, duh
Hobbies/talents: Runescape, guitar, girls, movies, weed, yeahhh pretty much