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Runescape Name: Palabana
Real-life name/nickname: Adam
Age: 21
Country: Canada
Describe yourself in one word: Loyal

What made you start playing runescape: A few friends got me started back in the day
Favorite Movie: Tough to pick just one, I'll go with Old School.
Occupation: Student/ Personal Trainer
Other language(s): Some french
Hobbies/talents: Sports of all kind!
[Image: Palabana.png]
Welcome to Surreal smile
Heya Adam, welcome to Surreal. Biggrin What a nice word to describe yourself as - one of the most important qualities to have in my opinion. smile Anyway, I'm sure you'll fit right in to Surreal!
[Image: bronaghmotm.png]

[Image: 4variation.jpg]

[Image: glitter-graphics-welcome-490703.gif]
Hiya adam, we are a good group to get stuck with Wink
[Image: Freewendy.png] [Image: x_3ba634e5-1.gif]

Hey and welcome! smile
Your clearly awesome, you have a Toronto Maple Leafs avatar.
Welcome to Surreal Adam! Biggrin
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

Welcome to Surreal, Adam, enjoy your stay!
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
Thanks everyone! Seems like there is a great community here smile

@ AlchemyHawk: Go leafs go!
[Image: Palabana.png]
Welcome to Surreal! smile
Hi there Adam and welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy yourself here and if you need any help just ask smile

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