Max & Comp Capes
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Well two of my fave colors are Blue and then Pink. So naturally I always liked Dannys cape. And then followed by Megs Cape. But Megs cape with the cabaret outfit looks awesome so I just might like that better than Dannys blue cape now.. haha
[Image: sylvanas_wow_sig_by_katzenfan-d54n86z.png]
Aww ty Heather, I was so against Solomon's store when it was released, but it kinda sucked in to my favourite part of any game and that's the customising of your character so I couldn't help myself and had to buy the outfit Wub

Can't wait for more outfits!
^ Addict
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
[Image: 12-08-20120503.png]

[Image: d9XeE71336709893.gif]

[Image: SRL_Fear.png][Image: fear.png]

[Image: k2o37l.jpg]
No one has these now =[
Way to grave dig killians
@iWader on Twitter.
I have one.
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
I miss my precious Sad
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Not my style, but I don't se anything wrong! Tongue

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