Out of the clan, Rinaldi's brown/white/black cape has been my favorite so far. Danny's blue and white cape is a close runner up. CJ's is very nice as well, although for the life of me I cannot remember the colors... just that I liked it. XD
At least James sticks out in a crowd with those colors. And don't cross him, or you'll get a face full of dragon's fire!
That is a pretty ugly cape. I doubt even I could come up with a worse color scheme.
"The only thing an adult can give a child is a yellow cape." - Chuck Jones
He should get a mullet, and then make his cape look like the mullet took a shit on his back. Would be funny.
one day i will be able to make my cape look awful!
(2011-09-15 08:01:49)Meg Wrote: dw guys, one day my true intelligence will shine for the world to see and I will bask in full glory of the beautiful smart woman I truly am....until i wake up