[Guide] Defence against Pkers

Firstly, I don't have the answers, that's why I've posted this thread.

I know we have player killers (pkers) amongst us so I'm hoping to get your insight into this activity so as to better protect our clan members from other pkers.

Advice on the following would be greatly appreciated:-

Protection from Pkers:-
-In wilderness whilst doing penguins (maze, dark warrior's fortress, wandering)
-On route to Chaos Tunnels
-On route to Abyss
-At the Air Altar

What makes you a target?
What makes you not a target?

Best defence?
Worst defence?
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor

You forgot at or going to the Forinthry(?) Dungeon for slaying greaters =P

I think what makes people a target usually is just the ability to attack you. Pkers are usually just bored and if you're in the level range for them to attack you, then you're most likely going to be when they're not really risking anything anyway. (Claw rushers etc)

If your plan is to head into the wildy for occasions when armour isn't required, it's worth doing so e.g. Penguin hunting. Usually I won't find a case of anyone going out of their way to attack penguin hunters on world 60 because everyone knows not to bring in their expensive items. Another reason to not bring more then 3 items for wildy pengs is for when I head to the lava maze and intend on getting killed by the kbd or normal black dragons at the centre, a quick way back to the normal area of Runescape.

It might be worth putting on some ganodermic's or dragonhides if you're heading to charge orbs at the obelisk, just 3 items and make sure not to get skulled. Just for that added protection against pkers trying to bind you, but really isn't necessary.

Using the abyss, again I might bring black dragonhide armour just to increase my defence against being binded and maybe a glory teleport, but if you're not quick enough then a 1 click tab could be of use. Bank the runes you make as to not lose 10k or however many you make if you happen to die and you shouldn't be too worried. You can buy back the large and big or whatever at the rcing guild if required.

Chaos tunnels are so close to the wilderness edge as well that you can quickly teleport away in the sign of danger or get there before you're attacked and because it's not a consistent thing (You're only usually heading in there to either do you're daily Bork once a day or the occasional Slayer task which once there you can't be attacked anyway). You should be fine to bring whatever is needed, any signs of trouble, feel free to place private to "friends" or "off" and hop to another world if you're really that scared.

Finally the Forinthry dungeon or however you spell that. Usually I have to downgrade my gear abit to head there since the greater demons are at lvl 22 or 23 wilderness so it's just out of reach to teleport (lvl 20 wildy). I'm abit risky and keep my slayer helmet on, but if you're not willing to risk it then neitz is another option. I wouldn't bring any Bandos armour. A good option is proselyte, not too expensive to get back and you can just pray for the entire task and smash them down. Another thing to note is I'll only bring 1500 cannonballs, don't want to bring all of them in one go as then you'll be hurting as well. Finally make sure not to bring any berserker rings or onyx amulet, you could just bring a ring of life for safety purposes and a amulet of glory for quick teleporting again by running 2 wildy south in the case that danger does come and you need to teleport.

I personally haven't run into the occasion that a clan has come, all you can do is hope they're too disorganised that they don't stop you from teleblock you and you're fortunate enough to not be binded, when in reach of wave 20 teleport away, else just keep running Tongue

Cannons aren't a loss at all, you can just head west of the prayer guild/edgeville and reattain a cannon from one of the dwarves in the building, you'll have to go to Falidor if you have a gold or royale cannon though to get it decorated again >.<
[Image: Exbajalator.png][Image: Exbajalator.png]
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=:-:=  Live Young, Have Fun And May Tomorrow Never Come =:-:=
I wrote a whole thing, but it said my post was too long. Even though exbajs looks longer. He basically got it all. Ill expand on a bit.

Penguins: Go naked

Abyss: Wear dhide. You can buy pouches back from GoP, so there isnt much risk. If you dont want to lose your glory, bring a pray pot to sip on before dieing. Or try to tank with a sara brew till you can get to the mage.

CT: Use the minimap. You see a dot, run south/tele. If you're feeling adventurous, walk up a square at a time to see the dots combat lvl/gear. If its a mage in your lvl, go south. If he throws a tb at you, run south. If you are quick enough, you may miss the entangle. If not, tank. Keep your hp high, and watch for his switches. Best way to learn is to practice. But if you dont pk, that makes it hard.
If the guy is in melee gear, just pray melee and run away. He cant kill you.

Also, in rev dungeon, with a glory you can tele up to lvl 30. So if you see a team and werent tbed yet, tele. If there is a team, youll prolly die. I just bring rune, and a whip, and let the cannon do most of the work.

Being in the wild makes you a target. Some will ignore you, but some will go after you. Obviously wearing a phat into the wild wont help your cause though.

Guess thats most of it
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My tip: if you have 3 items and you can soul split retaliate, u are safe. Noone wants their pray sucked to 0 to pick on some1 with nothing to lose.

I have never once been attacked going to chaos tunnels, I guess it could happen.

Rc'ing, dont use a good pick since you are skulled. Diamond bracelets are a waste imo but will prevent skulls I believe.
If I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture.
[Image: Kivandien.png]
For penguins take a dds and have auto retaliate on and have spec clicked. On world 60 most pkers won't attack you if they see you have a dds cause they know you won't drop anything but you will damage them and thus cause them to use resources and cost them some money. Also you may get lucky and actually kill the pker and get something from him.
Master of All Wills and Quests
[Image: gohankuten.png][Image: GohanRAWR.gif]
Disruption shield (Livid farming spell) blocks ONE attack or ONE special attack (i.e claws), so it'll save you for 1 hit, but if you get hit by teleblock you're still teleblocked, same with entangle and ice barrage (frozen in place), but you won't take any damage for those hit.

Edit: If you log out with Disruption shield, you will still have it, when you log back in.
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Thank you all very much. Your posts are very helpful.

I have been brutally attacked heading to Chaos Tunnels recently.
One important tip there is don't try to enter the Chaos Tunnels when you're being attacked. You cannot enter the Chaos Tunnels when involved in combat. A lesson I almost learned the hard way until I noticed the messages informing me of the restriction.
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor


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