[Complete] Jovan's Provisional Application [Expires June 2nd]

Runescape stuff
*RS Name: I_Hit_Too
*Total level: 2306
*Country or Timezone: England - GMT
IRC Nickname: Jovan

*Full screenshot of your Runescape account saying "S R L <3" in the chatbox [You do not have to press enter!]
[Image: ins25.png]

All that cool stuff...
*Your favorite RS activity/skill: Crafting/Herblore - It seems to be fun for me smile
*Who or what brought you to Surreal?: I love to skill but it gets rather boring doing it by yourself, so i'm here to enjoy myself and get to skill in the company of others. And all i love to do is skill.
*What can you bring to Surreal?: I'm competitive and motivational when it comes to skilling so what i can bring is much more fun to the clan by possibly giving them more stuff to do.

*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:

- Red Dragon Knights - I left because the leadership was weak, I was the Head-Warlord.
- Brutality - I left because the clan it self didn't know where it was going - I was a Senior member/Trial Pk Leader.
- Violent Resolution - I mainly joined because a mojority of members of Brutality were in VR and because i wanted to try out F2P Clan fights. I left because i quit Brutality. - I was a Senior member.
- Mayhem - I was the leader of this clan, i decided to close the clan due to me quitting scape for various reasons.
- Corruption - While being in Mayhem i was in CoR, once i quit scape i left CoR as well. I was a Member
- Reign of Terror - After closing mayhem around 6 months later i joined RoT. I left the clan after the amount of work i had and didn't have any time for scape. I was a dedicated member of the clan.

I quit scape that summer and haven't played untill April this year.

I enjoyed my time in all these clans and i met some interesting and fun people.

By submitting my application I agree that I have thoroughly read and understood all of Surreal's Official Rules and Requirements. I will follow these rules when associating myself in a situation where I am directly involved with Surreal or representing the clan in any way and will accept relevant punishment should I delve away from these rules.

I agree to stay active unless legitimate reasoning is given, to fulfill the requirements of my Provisional application and that I am in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and will continue to be. All of the information I have submitted in this application is my own and I am not in association with any real-world trading or botting communities.

*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes]

Other comments: No other comments, other than thanks for reviewing my application smile
Provisional Application Accepted!

Congratulations and welcome to Surreal's trial membership programme. We're really happy to have you on board. You're on a two week trial at the moment, to find out more about it click here.

What now?
Firstly, you're going to need a rank in our clan chat! So join the clan chat 'Surreal', and wait for a member of our higher staff team (either @Bowlinmaster@, @Evaluate@ or @Downfall@ to invite you into our RuneScape clan.

You now have access to our events forums, containing things to do whilst you spend your time in Surreal!
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.

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