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Runescape Name: RickySwift
Real-life name/nickname: Ricky
Age: 19
Country: USA
Describe yourself in one word: Unique

What made you start playing Runescape: A friend told me about it, I got addicted.
Favorite Movie: Too many to list.
Occupation: Barista/Student (I make coffee drinks)
Other language(s): Just Engrish
Hobbies/talents: Sports, music, and being a 19 year old.


And since the template is a little short, I'd much rather write my own introduction (:

My name is Ricky, RickySwift on Runescape. Swift isn't just because I'm smooth and fast Tongue. I have a celeb crush on Taylor Swift. I have been playing for about 7 years now on and off. I've always been a skiller. Lately, I've been bored while on RS. Not bored of playing, but lacking a community of people that I can actually talk to. So I went on a hunt to look for a new community and I found Surreal on the RSC forums. I've been in a couple skill clans before. (Skillers United and True Skillers) I had a great time in those clans but I need something new and excited and Surreal is definitely what I want! I look forward to attending events and being active as a guest until I can actually apply and make it official! Hope to get to know each and every one of you!
Welcome to Surreal, Ricky! Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions. smile

Also, no shame in a Taylor Swift crush Wink
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
Welcome to Surreal Ricky! after our little convo in IRC I remember you and its great to have you intro here Biggrin
Welcome to Surreal smile
Welcome to Surreal Ricky Bye
Hey and welcome! smile
Thanks everyone. (: no shame at all Evaluate and it's great to see a familiar face here Meg!
Hey welcome to Surreal, great place to be smile look forward to meetin ya in game.
[Image: south-gal79.png]
~Life is 10% how make it, 90% how we take it.~
Welcome to surreal! me and Lacey will show you around like a boss!
Looking forward to that Joeys_Rage!

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