Reaping. Your children.
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Ello Surreal. smile

I'm Reaping, or Stephen, or whatever.
I've been playing RS since 06, on and off. I guess I've always considered myself a skiller. This game was pretty much made for it Wink (and Slayer).
I'm an ex-leader of Skill Union, ex-leader of Total Skills, and ex-member of Spirits of Arianwyn, so I've had my fair share of clanning.

Out of Roonscape, my name is Stephen, I live in the states, and enjoy music, violin, guitar, filmography, photography, and astronomy.

I would just like to compliment the website design and layout, it's one of the best I've seen. smile

I look forward to meeting you all!
Well hello there Stephen, thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself. I find astronomy very interesting and one of these days I am going to try to find some class on it. I hope to see you around and get to know you better.

Thanks for the compliment, I know Jordan ( @Downfall@ ) will appreciate that.
[Image: pmRHyWO.png]
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Feel free to contact me any time about anything Biggrin <3 
Welcome to the forums buddy! Hope you enjoy your stay here in Surreal!
[Image: whid1.gif]
Welcome! Hope you have fun here and enjoy your stay!
Welcome to Surreal smile
Hey and welcome! smile
Hey hope to see you in CC smile we also use IRC and teamspeak. nice intro.
[Image: south-gal79.png]
~Life is 10% how make it, 90% how we take it.~
Welcome to Surreal, Stephen! You've got some very diverse interests there, that's good to see smile

Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions.
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. smile

And glad to see someone else is interested in the wonders of space, Nick.
Welcome! Taking Astronomy next semester so maybe if you stick around you can give me answers Tongue Hope you enjoy the forums!

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