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Been a while since I've been able to get on the laptop. Do I have net, NO! I hate it too lol I'm having runescape/internet withdrawls hehe. Miss ya'll, hope all is well. Summer time is here and I've been living it up riding the river and down south we like to do this thang called MUD RIDIN on 4-wheelers ha.

ATT U-verse did state internet would be available in my area soon...bah who knows how long soon means. I mean let's get serious Mississippi is slackin on updating lol. I did, however, try the whole get internet through my cell phone company well that resulting in me giving it back because just any ole body who was near me could bump off me and yeah well that didnt go over well when i recieved a 340.00 cell phone bill.. bout shat my pants!

For those wondering who I am, I was a former member (THE COOL ONE) jus kiddin but hey smile

Anyway Ill check back with ya'll soon as I can to say hello. LOVE YA!

Lacey smile
[Image: south-gal79.png]
~Life is 10% how make it, 90% how we take it.~
Miss you Lacey. Come back! smile
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
omg ilove that i can read this and hear your accent through it <3
We Miss you hope all gets better, thanks for stopping by<3
Haha ill be glad when I can talk to y'all on ts
[Image: south-gal79.png]
~Life is 10% how make it, 90% how we take it.~
hey lacey, long time no see, glade to hear you doing well, look forward to talking to ya again.
[Image: ot3fNDv.png]
Hey lacey smile welcome back
@iWader on Twitter.
Hey Lacey smile Hope you can sort out your internet problems soon!
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Hey Lacey! Lovely to hear from you again! Wub

Glad to see you're having fun on the 4-wheelers!!! Good

Good luck with the internet in your area. Hope it happens sooner rather than later. Grin
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor

I wasn't around when you were here, but you sound like a lot of fun Biggrin
You should definitely come back. We need more Surreal chicks for sure!
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
g & a p m p r o f i l e
s t a t s (Click to View)

Sorry to hear about the stupid issues with internet, hope it gets all sorted out and you can pay us more visits!
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.

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