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Runescape Name: Kizd
Real-life name/nickname: Jared
Age: 17
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Can't!

What made you start playing Runescape: During my 5th year of elementary schooling, my school began a reading competition based around earning dog-tags for books read. I became obsessed; I was in the running for the top competitor in the school. My two best friends had been trying to get me to try Runescape for a while, but it wasn't until they lied to me, telling me that the priests would give me dog tags that I finally decided to play.
Favorite Movie: Pacific Rim
Occupation: Exterior airplane washer and West Marine cashier
Other language(s): HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, Javascript, C++, etc.
Hobbies/talents: Currently, I go to school for Computer Science. I've been self-learning graphic design for almost 10 years, and have taken classes on 3D modeling and animation for several years. I aspire to be an entrepreneur graphic designer, web-designer, or indie game developer.

So, who am I really? My name is Jared C; I'm in a unique situation in life where, although I'm 17 and still a senior in highschool, I live with my girlfriend in our home. That's right, paying rent, buying gas, buying food and toiletries, and even doing our own laundry. Some non-computer related interests of mine are fashion and martial arts. Earlier this year, I earned a black belt rank in Shaolin Kempo after nearly a decade of training. I'm a vegetarian but I don't know if I really want to be anymore. I love to roleplay and play games with friends. Some of our favorite games to play together are League of Legends (of course...), Civilization 5, and Magic: The Gathering. We also have an on-going Roleplay taking place in the Dragon Age universe. We meetup roughly once a week for the last year or so to RP, and we plan to continue this story for roughly 2 more years.

Now, to outweigh all of the boasting I did in the previous paragraph, I'm going to comprise a list of five of my greatest weaknesses:
  • Sometimes I can't stop eating bad food for a week before getting back on track.
  • I get bored easy.
  • I have an irresponsible sleep schedule.
  • I sometimes don't finish games, websites, or programs I start.
  • I spend money really quickly.

That's a lot about me. Hopefully you enjoyed my introduction enough to not move on before getting to this point. Thanks for reading!
Great intro Jared smile Welcome to Surreal!!
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
g & a p m p r o f i l e
s t a t s (Click to View)
I like you,

Welcome to surreal! smile
I like your other languages Jared haha. Are you fluent in them or have you basically just learned the basics through whichever highschool classes teach them? Anyways, I'm just curious as I'm a CmpE fellow.

Anyways, welcome smile
Is the glass half empty or half full? Neither, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
[Image: EW4yt.gif]
Great intro i must say =]
welcome and let me know if you need any help
Welcome to Surreal, Jared. Awesome intro Tongue
@iWader on Twitter.
(2013-08-13 19:49:26)Bowlinmaster Wrote:  I like your other languages Jared haha. Are you fluent in them or have you basically just learned the basics through whichever highschool classes teach them? Anyways, I'm just curious as I'm a CmpE fellow.

Anyways, welcome smile

I'm fluent in some listed, mediocre in others. I wouldn't save I've mastered any.

Also, I've posted my trial application!
Welcome! smile
Excellent introduction! It's always great to know a bit of back story about new members smile
I hope you enjoy your time with us, Jared!
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Hey Jared! Welcome to Surreal!

Looks like you have your life planned and sorted! Best of luck!
[Image: Ninth_Legion.png]

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