2013-08-21 20:02:30
Runescape Name: red_man48
Real-life name/nickname: Will.
Age: 19 years young.
Country: United States.
Describe yourself in one word: Energetic.
What made you start playing runescape: A friend showed me this game back when I was in fifth grade, well... Now I'm 19
Favorite Movie: The town.
Occupation: I work at an Under Armour store.
Other language(s): Just English
Hobbies/talents: I love to workout and train, play sports (Basketball, Baseball, Frisbee.) Currently going to school to become an Athletic Trainer.
Real-life name/nickname: Will.
Age: 19 years young.
Country: United States.
Describe yourself in one word: Energetic.
What made you start playing runescape: A friend showed me this game back when I was in fifth grade, well... Now I'm 19

Favorite Movie: The town.
Occupation: I work at an Under Armour store.
Other language(s): Just English

Hobbies/talents: I love to workout and train, play sports (Basketball, Baseball, Frisbee.) Currently going to school to become an Athletic Trainer.