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Better late than never!

Runescape Name: Split_69
Real-life name/nickname: Jerome / JMan / Jayrome
Age: 19 - Born on the 28th of June, 1991
Country: I was born in the Philippines and moved to Toronto, Canada when I was 2. I grew up here but I've been back to the Philippines a couple of times and also still have a lot of cultural aspects a part of me because of my parents.
Describe yourself in one word: can't

What got you started playing Runescape?: My friend Sand_man6666 played and got me into it after a previous try. I just really enjoyed training skills and still very much do.
Favorite Movie: Into The Wild
Occupation: Undergraduate student (Psych Major but I intend to switch it to Philosophy and Linguistics double Major) I am also a part time/ summertime full time Swing Manager at McDonald's.
Other language(s): I can understand Tagalog
Hobbies/talents: I spend most of my time listening to music and just school work. Watching movies, exercising and "Philosophizing" ya know what I mean
Other: I like playing CoD - Jayrome_LXIX
I also use last.fm a lot of you can see what music I've listened to. It's really good for recommendations: http://www.last.fm/user/JManEpp
Hiya Split, I loved Into the Wild, esp because Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) composed/wrote many songs on the soundtrack - Hard Sun is my favourite Wub
Hey Split. Nice to see you have made a intro here then though you are a Member of Surreal Grin!

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