Dailies are often underestimated in terms of their power to gain fantastic amounts of experience in a short amount of time. Conventional methods of training skills such as dungeoneering, mining and firemaking can be completely abandoned thanks to activities which were originally intended to give a small boost to the skill. 120 Dungeoneering can take almost no time at all, just by spending 12 minutes a day on a minigame which will give you no need to ever kill a boss monster again.
Here is a list and brief guide to my favourite dailies/weeklies/monthlies. Please note, this guide uses experience gains based on a maxed total account unless otherwise stated. All events are still worthwhile at lower levels and experience will need to just adjusted accordingly. Every title has a link to its corresponding page on RSWiki which should provide an experience table and more details for where my descriptions are confusing/incomplete.
It may seem a long list, but most of these things take mere minutes, or in some cases, seconds to complete and it's worth doing just about all of these things every day if you're interested in those skills.
Do not forget about reset tokens! The following useful D&Ds can be reset so you can do them all over again:
Daily: Sinkholes, Guthixian Cache
Weekly: Tears of Guthix, Penguins, Familiarisation
Monthly: Troll Invasion, God Statues, Giant Oyster
Note: Other 'dailies' may include the use of auras - they are not listed here
Warbands wiki
Guthixian Caches wiki
Divine Locations wiki
Arc Contracts wiki
Sinkholes wiki
The Book of Char wiki
Player Owned Ports wiki
Wicked Hood wiki
Rune Goldberg Machine (Vis Wax) wiki
Daily Challenges wiki
Shop Run wiki
Jack Of Trades wiki
Bork wiki
Reaper Task wiki
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza wiki
Helms of Slaying - Abyssal Demons/Dark Beasts wiki
Sandstone (flasks) wiki
Crystal Tree (Prifddinas) wiki
Motherlode Maw (Prifddinas) wiki
Farm Run wiki
Treasure Hunter wiki
Seasonals wiki
Note: Tears of Guthix and Penguin Hide and Seek will be covered in our weekly events on Saturday
Tears of Guthix wiki
The Circus wiki
Char's Training Cave wiki
Penguins wiki
Meg in POP wiki
Agoroth wiki
Familiarisation wiki
Shattered Worlds Gold Tier Challenge wiki
Note: These Monthlies will be covered in our Monthly D&D event
God Statues wiki
Troll Invasion wiki
Giant Oyster wiki
Premier Club Vault wiki
And with that I conclude my guide. If you have any questions please do ask and I'll add in any more essential information which I missed the first time around. Please let me know if you feel I have missed anything important out or you find any errors throughout, be it content or format
Here is a list and brief guide to my favourite dailies/weeklies/monthlies. Please note, this guide uses experience gains based on a maxed total account unless otherwise stated. All events are still worthwhile at lower levels and experience will need to just adjusted accordingly. Every title has a link to its corresponding page on RSWiki which should provide an experience table and more details for where my descriptions are confusing/incomplete.
It may seem a long list, but most of these things take mere minutes, or in some cases, seconds to complete and it's worth doing just about all of these things every day if you're interested in those skills.
Do not forget about reset tokens! The following useful D&Ds can be reset so you can do them all over again:
Daily: Sinkholes, Guthixian Cache
Weekly: Tears of Guthix, Penguins, Familiarisation
Monthly: Troll Invasion, God Statues, Giant Oyster
- Dailies -
Note: Other 'dailies' may include the use of auras - they are not listed here
Warbands wiki
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Appropriately first, the introduction of warbands was the largest update to skillling in a long time. The idea of warbands was to revitalise PKing by providing extremely generous reserves of skilling experience in the wilderness. While somewhat successful, warbands are generally safe thanks to organised Friends Chats dedicated to providing a first class service. You can find one by looking at the Official RuneScape forums here. While seeming somewhat complex at first, they are very easy to pick up with just a couple of days of practice.
Experience: Up to a total of 363k experience spread across mining, smithing, construction, herblore and farming. Up to 29k slayer experience as well.
Time: Approximately 12 minutes with a week of experience.
Guide: Warbands happen every seven hours and you need to be added in an appropriate Friends Chat to take part. The unofficial warband tracker can be found here, and friends chats open for joining are announced exactly 30 minutes before the start of the warband. You may need to be quick to get a spot: every world is limited to 40 people by Jagex. How to get added varies from FC to FC; often all you need to do is gear up then find the leader in game for him to check your gear is fine. The gear requirements also vary, the general rule is a tier 70+ weapon and tier 50+ armour, along with ganodermic boots & gloves. The ideal budget magic gear is shown below. Aside from the combat gear, you will need a Beast of Burden with some food and a games necklace.
Usually, if you use the same host (the leader of the FC) regularly and help out occasionally you are able to get added permanently, or at least before the FC is announced publicly, to avoid the rush 30 minutes before the start.
Warbands always start on the hour exactly, and the meeting place will be announced in the chat. The friends chat will call out one of three locations for you to make your own way to:
DWF: Dark Warriors' Fortress, either run there (North of Edgeville lodestone) or teleport to the chaos altar with a wicked hood (waste of inventory space).
ELM: East of the Lava Maze, use a waka canoe (you can make this in advance in Edgeville) then run directly NORTH until you hit the camp.
RDI: Red Dragons Isle, teleport to Corporeal Beast with your games necklace then run directly EAST until you hit the camp. For an easy way to remember which is RDI and which is ELM, Corporeal Beast and Dragons are both monsters.
Once you arrive at the location, you will need to kill the NPC guardians of the camp. Always kill the level 120s before the level 140 for a smoother battle and NEVER use any multi target abilities (for example, chain) because they will hit your team mates and you will be expected to reimburse their gear if it kills them, which does happen. As long as you do at least 1 damage on the level 140 you will receive up to 10k slayer experience, a set amount equal the the amount a strange rock would give.
Once the battle is over, three of the five tents will be available for looting. Ensure you have 25 inventory slots then click once on the tent to slowly loot your supplies of choice. I would advise right-clicking the camp to avoid attacking team mates. Once you have all 25 supplies you can either run back to Edgeville alone or with the group, by following whoever is shouting "FI", meaning "Fall in". Note that in some Friends Chats falling in is compulsory, they will tell you if it is. Generally, people run back alone if the camp is at DWF, and fall in at either of the other two. If at any point during the camp a white dot is spotted on the map, everyone in the FC is expected to pile them to ensure safety of the group.
Once you reach Edgeville, hand in your supplies to Quercus, the big tree standing by the canoe station. At this point, the next world and location will be called in the FC, which is where you head next after quick hopping whoever you are told to. You can do a total of three camps per day and this is almost always possible during the same wave with just one Friends Chat. Note that you should NEVER hop in the wilderness, as you will appear as a white dot to others in your FC for a few seconds.
Experience: Up to a total of 363k experience spread across mining, smithing, construction, herblore and farming. Up to 29k slayer experience as well.
Time: Approximately 12 minutes with a week of experience.
Guide: Warbands happen every seven hours and you need to be added in an appropriate Friends Chat to take part. The unofficial warband tracker can be found here, and friends chats open for joining are announced exactly 30 minutes before the start of the warband. You may need to be quick to get a spot: every world is limited to 40 people by Jagex. How to get added varies from FC to FC; often all you need to do is gear up then find the leader in game for him to check your gear is fine. The gear requirements also vary, the general rule is a tier 70+ weapon and tier 50+ armour, along with ganodermic boots & gloves. The ideal budget magic gear is shown below. Aside from the combat gear, you will need a Beast of Burden with some food and a games necklace.
![[Image: 4IWFe.png]](https://images.clansurreal.com/proxy/http://puu.sh/4IWFe.png)
Usually, if you use the same host (the leader of the FC) regularly and help out occasionally you are able to get added permanently, or at least before the FC is announced publicly, to avoid the rush 30 minutes before the start.
Warbands always start on the hour exactly, and the meeting place will be announced in the chat. The friends chat will call out one of three locations for you to make your own way to:
DWF: Dark Warriors' Fortress, either run there (North of Edgeville lodestone) or teleport to the chaos altar with a wicked hood (waste of inventory space).
ELM: East of the Lava Maze, use a waka canoe (you can make this in advance in Edgeville) then run directly NORTH until you hit the camp.
RDI: Red Dragons Isle, teleport to Corporeal Beast with your games necklace then run directly EAST until you hit the camp. For an easy way to remember which is RDI and which is ELM, Corporeal Beast and Dragons are both monsters.
Once you arrive at the location, you will need to kill the NPC guardians of the camp. Always kill the level 120s before the level 140 for a smoother battle and NEVER use any multi target abilities (for example, chain) because they will hit your team mates and you will be expected to reimburse their gear if it kills them, which does happen. As long as you do at least 1 damage on the level 140 you will receive up to 10k slayer experience, a set amount equal the the amount a strange rock would give.
Once the battle is over, three of the five tents will be available for looting. Ensure you have 25 inventory slots then click once on the tent to slowly loot your supplies of choice. I would advise right-clicking the camp to avoid attacking team mates. Once you have all 25 supplies you can either run back to Edgeville alone or with the group, by following whoever is shouting "FI", meaning "Fall in". Note that in some Friends Chats falling in is compulsory, they will tell you if it is. Generally, people run back alone if the camp is at DWF, and fall in at either of the other two. If at any point during the camp a white dot is spotted on the map, everyone in the FC is expected to pile them to ensure safety of the group.
Once you reach Edgeville, hand in your supplies to Quercus, the big tree standing by the canoe station. At this point, the next world and location will be called in the FC, which is where you head next after quick hopping whoever you are told to. You can do a total of three camps per day and this is almost always possible during the same wave with just one Friends Chat. Note that you should NEVER hop in the wilderness, as you will appear as a white dot to others in your FC for a few seconds.
Guthixian Caches wiki
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Guthixian Caches are the way to go if you would like to improve your divination skill. While there are no level requirements, it gets easier with 45 and 85 divination. You can get a maximum of 200 points a day. Caches start on the hour every day, with extra bonuses every three hours (at 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 etc.). These bonuses last depending on how well you did in the cache, and they are 10% chance for double loot from divine locations, 10% chance to save a charge from a sign of the porter and a 10% chance to convert all memories in your inventory at once. To enter a cache, go to any divination rift and right click enter-cache.
Experience: 73,400 divination xp at level 99 (Per point earned you get a certain level-based amount of xp. lv60: 278xp, lv80: 461xp, lv99:734xp. Up to 100 points per game, so this means 27.8k xp at lv60, 46.1k xp at lv80, 73.4k at lv99.
Time: 5-10 minutes.
Guide: There are two things you can do in this game.
1) Pick up the largest memory you can on the side. Avoid being tagged by the green automatons or you will drop the memory and have to start over. Try to deposit the memory in the middle.
2) Become a blue Cres by clicking one of the statues in the corners. You can now click on the green automatons to subdue them for a few seconds.
Note that you can also use buffs you earn by doing the above, such as double points for 10 seconds. Simply switch off between the two until the time is up or till you get 100 points.
Experience: 73,400 divination xp at level 99 (Per point earned you get a certain level-based amount of xp. lv60: 278xp, lv80: 461xp, lv99:734xp. Up to 100 points per game, so this means 27.8k xp at lv60, 46.1k xp at lv80, 73.4k at lv99.
Time: 5-10 minutes.
Guide: There are two things you can do in this game.
1) Pick up the largest memory you can on the side. Avoid being tagged by the green automatons or you will drop the memory and have to start over. Try to deposit the memory in the middle.
2) Become a blue Cres by clicking one of the statues in the corners. You can now click on the green automatons to subdue them for a few seconds.
Note that you can also use buffs you earn by doing the above, such as double points for 10 seconds. Simply switch off between the two until the time is up or till you get 100 points.
Divine Locations wiki
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When alone these locations provide a small amount of resources and experience, but when done as a team they can provide a great amount of experience, and even some profit.
Experience: Up to 48,500 woodcutting or comparable amounts other skills (fishing/hunter).
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: The best time to do your divine daily is at reset: 00:00 GMT. At this time people from all over runescape meet up in Burthorpe, a nice hub due to the daily challenge man being right there. World 2 or World 48 are the most populous worlds. Yew trees and rocktails provide the best experience. Don't forget your lumberjack/fisherman gear, and note auras/scrimshaws do not help in any way.
To create a divine location, have the needed supplies in your inventory. Click on the energy, click the resource you want, then click create. Then just click the new item once for it to be placed on the floor. Join in with any other resources people are creating and try not to place yours at the same time as anyone else. Every day you can collect up to a total 250 resources, but note certain resources count as more than 1 resource each, such as magic logs. The full table is on the wiki. When other people chop your tree you will be given noted resources. Note that these resources DO count towards your cap despite not giving experience.
If you have brawler gloves it's worth placing your location in the wilderness while wearing the gloves to obtain obscene amounts of experience in a very short period of time.
Experience: Up to 48,500 woodcutting or comparable amounts other skills (fishing/hunter).
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: The best time to do your divine daily is at reset: 00:00 GMT. At this time people from all over runescape meet up in Burthorpe, a nice hub due to the daily challenge man being right there. World 2 or World 48 are the most populous worlds. Yew trees and rocktails provide the best experience. Don't forget your lumberjack/fisherman gear, and note auras/scrimshaws do not help in any way.
![[Image: 4IWCB.png]](https://images.clansurreal.com/proxy/http://puu.sh/4IWCB.png)
To create a divine location, have the needed supplies in your inventory. Click on the energy, click the resource you want, then click create. Then just click the new item once for it to be placed on the floor. Join in with any other resources people are creating and try not to place yours at the same time as anyone else. Every day you can collect up to a total 250 resources, but note certain resources count as more than 1 resource each, such as magic logs. The full table is on the wiki. When other people chop your tree you will be given noted resources. Note that these resources DO count towards your cap despite not giving experience.
If you have brawler gloves it's worth placing your location in the wilderness while wearing the gloves to obtain obscene amounts of experience in a very short period of time.
Arc Contracts wiki
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This is a D&D that you can do on the Arc. It gives some great divination xp.
Experience: 180k divination max
Time: Time: 35 minutes
Guide: Honestly the best way to do it is explained perfectly in this Youtube video. If you use an energy gathering scrimshaw, you will only need one divination spot on your isle.
Experience: 180k divination max
Time: Time: 35 minutes
Guide: Honestly the best way to do it is explained perfectly in this Youtube video. If you use an energy gathering scrimshaw, you will only need one divination spot on your isle.
Sinkholes wiki
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Sinkholes provide such a generous amount off experience that training dungeoneering the regular way is now essentially redundant. They occur on world 134 at half past every hour. Try to avoid doing them at 00:30 GMT due to excessive crowds at the first one after reset.
Experience: Up to 400k a day, affected significantly by luck, experience and skill. I average ~2M experience a week. It is also quick and easy tokens.
Time: 10-15 minutes.
Guide: This is another D&D where experience is the best way to learn but I will do my best to explain the basics. Talk to Telsar just west of the dungeoneering teleport at 29 past the hour to be teleported to the next sinkhole location. When it appears, enter as quickly as you can, bank all your items, then tell the hoardstalker you are ready. The idea is to raid the dungeon as fast as possible, collecting resources and cards as you go through. In the starting room there are tables with starting gear on. You only have to pick your gear once, the game will remember your choice in all future sinkholes. I recommend choosing magic.
Combat & Exploratory totems are much quicker points than skilling ones, so focus on them early in the game: exploring new rooms and killing everything in there as quickly as possible. Pick up all totems they drop/you find and continue exploring. These totems need to be dropped off either at base or at banks throughout the map to be handed in and creditted to your score. In the top left of your screen you will see how many of each totem will be credited and this is not the same as the total number of totems in your dungeon. For example, there may be 43 combat totems which give points, but 50 monsters in the dungeon. For this reason it is advised to hand in your totems as quickly as possible, and moving on to skilling resources instead when the cap has almost been reached.
Once all resources have been handed in, you will be teleported to the treasure room. Here players use the cards they have found to swap chests with other players to get better experience. You can only have five cards at any one point, so always destroy any duplicates you get throughout the game. The goal is to end up with either the huge or large experience lamp. With a bit of practice it is easy to almost always achieve this. Note that the scavenging meerkat card will add a medium lamp to the user's current chest. If you have the choice between a large&medium lamp together or a huge lamp alone, it is better to get the large&medium.
It is possible to do 2 sinkholes per day, and you can do them at the same time. As soon as you finish your first sinkhole, teleport back to the location when you exit, and repeat the process. At level 90+ dungeoneering, this D&D averages out to over 1m xp per hour spent doing sinkholes.
Experience: Up to 400k a day, affected significantly by luck, experience and skill. I average ~2M experience a week. It is also quick and easy tokens.
Time: 10-15 minutes.
Guide: This is another D&D where experience is the best way to learn but I will do my best to explain the basics. Talk to Telsar just west of the dungeoneering teleport at 29 past the hour to be teleported to the next sinkhole location. When it appears, enter as quickly as you can, bank all your items, then tell the hoardstalker you are ready. The idea is to raid the dungeon as fast as possible, collecting resources and cards as you go through. In the starting room there are tables with starting gear on. You only have to pick your gear once, the game will remember your choice in all future sinkholes. I recommend choosing magic.
Combat & Exploratory totems are much quicker points than skilling ones, so focus on them early in the game: exploring new rooms and killing everything in there as quickly as possible. Pick up all totems they drop/you find and continue exploring. These totems need to be dropped off either at base or at banks throughout the map to be handed in and creditted to your score. In the top left of your screen you will see how many of each totem will be credited and this is not the same as the total number of totems in your dungeon. For example, there may be 43 combat totems which give points, but 50 monsters in the dungeon. For this reason it is advised to hand in your totems as quickly as possible, and moving on to skilling resources instead when the cap has almost been reached.
Once all resources have been handed in, you will be teleported to the treasure room. Here players use the cards they have found to swap chests with other players to get better experience. You can only have five cards at any one point, so always destroy any duplicates you get throughout the game. The goal is to end up with either the huge or large experience lamp. With a bit of practice it is easy to almost always achieve this. Note that the scavenging meerkat card will add a medium lamp to the user's current chest. If you have the choice between a large&medium lamp together or a huge lamp alone, it is better to get the large&medium.
It is possible to do 2 sinkholes per day, and you can do them at the same time. As soon as you finish your first sinkhole, teleport back to the location when you exit, and repeat the process. At level 90+ dungeoneering, this D&D averages out to over 1m xp per hour spent doing sinkholes.
The Book of Char wiki
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The Book of Char is a reward from the quest The Firemaker's Curse and its daily function to burn every log you run over is often vastly underestimated. Until the introduction of RS3 I did not do this myself due to the annoyance of resummoning yaks to drop the logs, but the action bar makes spam dropping logs extremely easy.
Experience: Up to 220k a day at a cost of 4gp/xp.
Time: 5 minutes.
Guide: The best way to demonstrate this is through video. Here is a video on how to do it.
To drop the logs, click on your settings button, then "Game Settings" and check "One-button Gameplay". By placing your action bar at the bottom of the screen there will be a position where the "drop" option is in the same place as where you click on the logs to open that very menu. By spamming the "+" button with mousekeys to double click you can drop extremely quickly. Personally, I don't bother with the yak because it makes things tedious. Note that the experience given is a maximum and I myself average quite a bit lower (~192k) from just dropping 8 inventories at once then running over them. It may take a few days practice to consistently get over 100k daily with magic logs but once you get there it's actually really fun.
Lower tier logs may of course be used, for less experience but a significantly cheaper price.
Experience: Up to 220k a day at a cost of 4gp/xp.
Time: 5 minutes.
Guide: The best way to demonstrate this is through video. Here is a video on how to do it.
To drop the logs, click on your settings button, then "Game Settings" and check "One-button Gameplay". By placing your action bar at the bottom of the screen there will be a position where the "drop" option is in the same place as where you click on the logs to open that very menu. By spamming the "+" button with mousekeys to double click you can drop extremely quickly. Personally, I don't bother with the yak because it makes things tedious. Note that the experience given is a maximum and I myself average quite a bit lower (~192k) from just dropping 8 inventories at once then running over them. It may take a few days practice to consistently get over 100k daily with magic logs but once you get there it's actually really fun.
Lower tier logs may of course be used, for less experience but a significantly cheaper price.
Player Owned Ports wiki
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I have no intention of creating a full guide for PoP, plenty of fantastic resources already exist serving such a purpose. Ports do not stop becoming worthwhile after all armour pieces are achieved: the experience missions are very generous for the amount of time spent sending them off.
Experience: ~25k in either Slayer, Fishing, Runecrafting, Herblore, Thieving, Cooking, Construction or Prayer.
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: After obtaining all pieces of armour, and scrolls if you're doing them too, turn all of your totem spots in parrots for a 10% boost in your chances of getting an experience mission. You can also build icons dedicated to certain visitors to encourage particular experience missions. For example, I have two human skulls and an occult artefact to attract slayer and runecrafting missions.
Because of the varying requirements in morale/combat/seafaring the experience missions have, you can dedicate one boat to each and the other to being an "all-rounder" ensuring you don't have to play around with your crew every day. The merchant does not effect the experience given from the missions. I continue to do other missions in the port with any leftover boats, to get resources in preparation for the port expansion and also for extra trade resources to make more pieces of armour if required.
Experience: ~25k in either Slayer, Fishing, Runecrafting, Herblore, Thieving, Cooking, Construction or Prayer.
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: After obtaining all pieces of armour, and scrolls if you're doing them too, turn all of your totem spots in parrots for a 10% boost in your chances of getting an experience mission. You can also build icons dedicated to certain visitors to encourage particular experience missions. For example, I have two human skulls and an occult artefact to attract slayer and runecrafting missions.
Because of the varying requirements in morale/combat/seafaring the experience missions have, you can dedicate one boat to each and the other to being an "all-rounder" ensuring you don't have to play around with your crew every day. The merchant does not effect the experience given from the missions. I continue to do other missions in the port with any leftover boats, to get resources in preparation for the port expansion and also for extra trade resources to make more pieces of armour if required.
Wicked Hood wiki
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While the experience given is almost nothing, the wicked hood provides a few hundred runes of your choice every day, along with ~40 orts at once and a chance of obtaining your runecrafting rocks pain-free. I personally do it just to keep all rune supplies used to farming permanently replenished.
Experience: ~2k Runecrafting.
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: Fill an inventory with essence, teleport to whichever altar you want then make your runes. Withdraw essence from the hood until you run out.
Experience: ~2k Runecrafting.
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: Fill an inventory with essence, teleport to whichever altar you want then make your runes. Withdraw essence from the hood until you run out.
Rune Goldberg Machine (Vis Wax) wiki
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This daily activity requires level 50 Runecrafting and takes place at the very top of the Wizard Tower, in the Runecrafting guild. You need to have a few of every rune in your bank (roughly 3k of the basic ones and 1k of the other ones should last you a while). You can make up to 100 vis wax per day, which makes for a nice profit.
Experience: None
Time: 1 minute
Guide: You can use the command !vis in the #runeinfo channel on discord for the solution to the first two runes, or you can click here. The 99 Runecrafting cape lets you know what the third rune solution for you is, as this is random for everybody. if you don't have that cape, just try a random cheap rune. I'd say a score of around 80 Vis Wax is nice enough.
Experience: None
Time: 1 minute
Guide: You can use the command !vis in the #runeinfo channel on discord for the solution to the first two runes, or you can click here. The 99 Runecrafting cape lets you know what the third rune solution for you is, as this is random for everybody. if you don't have that cape, just try a random cheap rune. I'd say a score of around 80 Vis Wax is nice enough.
Daily Challenges wiki
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The power of these is vastly improved when you become near-maxed, having the ability to choose any skill of your choice to receive a challenge in. The most important daily challenges are Dungeoneering, Crafting and Smithing. However, remember that Dungeoneering can also be trained efficiently through sinkholes.
Experience: Depends.
Time: Depends.
Guide: You can toggle challenges for skills you are maxed in on/off in Burthorpe, at the same guy who you hand your challenges in to. You can never have more than one challenge in the same skill, so by stacking up 4 undesirable challenges you can rule out 4 additional skills. Thanks to a recent update, you will always achieve the highest level challenge in the skill that is chosen that day, for example, you will no longer be given Dorgeshka'an agility challenges at 99 agility. A full list of challenges can be found here. In order to determine which challenges are best to do, I compiled the following table of challenges for a maxed account using my personal experience rates and assuming an income of 5M p/h. I don't wish to make this into a google document at this time, but please let me know if there's an easy way I can upload my file for you to download and play around with. All formulae are fully functional and should adjust appropriately when you change any values. Re-sorting will have to be done manually though as I am not aware of a simple way of doing that automatically.
Experience: Depends.
Time: Depends.
Guide: You can toggle challenges for skills you are maxed in on/off in Burthorpe, at the same guy who you hand your challenges in to. You can never have more than one challenge in the same skill, so by stacking up 4 undesirable challenges you can rule out 4 additional skills. Thanks to a recent update, you will always achieve the highest level challenge in the skill that is chosen that day, for example, you will no longer be given Dorgeshka'an agility challenges at 99 agility. A full list of challenges can be found here. In order to determine which challenges are best to do, I compiled the following table of challenges for a maxed account using my personal experience rates and assuming an income of 5M p/h. I don't wish to make this into a google document at this time, but please let me know if there's an easy way I can upload my file for you to download and play around with. All formulae are fully functional and should adjust appropriately when you change any values. Re-sorting will have to be done manually though as I am not aware of a simple way of doing that automatically.
![[Image: 4IWe4.png]](https://images.clansurreal.com/proxy/http://puu.sh/4IWe4.png)
Shop Run wiki
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To help you with some profit, or perhaps because you're an ironman/woman, shop runs can be a great way to get resources.
Experience: None
Time: Varies on how many you can do
Guide: a perfect shop run a la 2018 can be seen in this video.
Experience: None
Time: Varies on how many you can do
Guide: a perfect shop run a la 2018 can be seen in this video.
Jack Of Trades wiki
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Thanks to a change in the way auras work, Jack of Trades now sets at midnight UTC and may now be classed as a daily even in the strictest sense. There are three auras to choose from, each upgrade providing approximately 5k more experience per day but requiring you to achieve experience in five more skills. To get your experience lamp you need to obtain experience in 10/15/20 different skills within a three hour period.
Experience: Up to 24,257 experience in a skill of your choice.
Time: 30 seconds.
Guide: Everyone has their own preference for how to complete the task. I personally do it at reset to combine with other dailies such as wicked hood/divine locations to easily tick off a few skills. After finishing, you need to talk to Xuan in Varrock who is conveniently next-door to the battlestaff shop, for a bit of additional profit each day.
Experience: Up to 24,257 experience in a skill of your choice.
Time: 30 seconds.
Guide: Everyone has their own preference for how to complete the task. I personally do it at reset to combine with other dailies such as wicked hood/divine locations to easily tick off a few skills. After finishing, you need to talk to Xuan in Varrock who is conveniently next-door to the battlestaff shop, for a bit of additional profit each day.
Bork wiki
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Bork can be found in the chaos tunnels and is famous for his 100% drop of summoning charms. These charms start off relatively mediocre but the quantity of them increases significantly if you wear a ring of wealth, complete the varrock elite tasks and The Might Fall quest.
Experience: 8,000 slayer exp, 20 blue/23 crimson/11 green charms/~60k cash.
Time: 2 minutes.
Guide: The quickest way to get to Bork is through using varrock armour (unlocked through the varrock challenge set), and otherwise through the Hoardstalker Ring, a reward from sinkholes, to teleport to the chaos tunnels. From here, run west, north, then west again to find bork. With basic combat gear and a bit of food he should not be a challenge for most players to defeat.
Experience: 8,000 slayer exp, 20 blue/23 crimson/11 green charms/~60k cash.
Time: 2 minutes.
Guide: The quickest way to get to Bork is through using varrock armour (unlocked through the varrock challenge set), and otherwise through the Hoardstalker Ring, a reward from sinkholes, to teleport to the chaos tunnels. From here, run west, north, then west again to find bork. With basic combat gear and a bit of food he should not be a challenge for most players to defeat.
Reaper Task wiki
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This is a daily bossing activity although it is possible to unlock the ability to participate multiple times a day. The purpose of this daily is to collect reaper points with which you can buy valuable items.
Experience: On top of the experience for killing the boss, you get some additional slayer xp (7-32k depending on the complexity of the boss)
Time: Varies
Guide: Go to Death in his office just south of Draynor lodestone to ask him for a reaper task. He will tell you to kill X amount of a certain boss.
Experience: On top of the experience for killing the boss, you get some additional slayer xp (7-32k depending on the complexity of the boss)
Time: Varies
Guide: Go to Death in his office just south of Draynor lodestone to ask him for a reaper task. He will tell you to kill X amount of a certain boss.
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza wiki
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Found north of Lumbridge, this minigame doubles your first 600 reward points each day. This takes ~40 minutes to achieve with a bit of practice and the points can be exchanged for various rewards, including the powerful Slayer VIP tickets, the seedicide and bonus experience in farming/slayer.
Experience: ~1,200 points (40 slayer tickets, 88k farming or 134k slayer bonus exp)
Time: 40 minutes.
Guide: I would suggest saving up points towards the "Health Benefits " ability. It costs 415 points and greatly increases your likelihood of surviving the game. To maximise points you want to stick with other players (a group of four is ideal) and attack the same minions/collect from the same resources as them. Killing the minions is generally quicker points. Surviving the rounds is vital for the best points as you get 10 points for surviving the 10th round, 9 for the 9th, etc. I aim for ~180 points per game (before doubling) and it's really quite fun once you get the hang of it!
Experience: ~1,200 points (40 slayer tickets, 88k farming or 134k slayer bonus exp)
Time: 40 minutes.
Guide: I would suggest saving up points towards the "Health Benefits " ability. It costs 415 points and greatly increases your likelihood of surviving the game. To maximise points you want to stick with other players (a group of four is ideal) and attack the same minions/collect from the same resources as them. Killing the minions is generally quicker points. Surviving the rounds is vital for the best points as you get 10 points for surviving the 10th round, 9 for the 9th, etc. I aim for ~180 points per game (before doubling) and it's really quite fun once you get the hang of it!
Helms of Slaying - Abyssal Demons/Dark Beasts wiki
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These are helmets that will assure you of a slayer task of their particular monster kind.
Experience: Up to 100k slayer each.
Time: Approximately 30 minutes each.
Guide: Using the Helm of Warping, you are able to get an abyssal demon task from Kuradal or Morvran every day. Here you can see a video of how to do this in Kuradal's Dungeon, and here how to do it in the Slayer Tower.
Similarly, A Helm of Darkness can give you a dark beast task. Dark beasts can be killed efficiently using range - a cannon can be used too if you go to the dark beasts near the Temple of Light.
Experience: Up to 100k slayer each.
Time: Approximately 30 minutes each.
Guide: Using the Helm of Warping, you are able to get an abyssal demon task from Kuradal or Morvran every day. Here you can see a video of how to do this in Kuradal's Dungeon, and here how to do it in the Slayer Tower.
Similarly, A Helm of Darkness can give you a dark beast task. Dark beasts can be killed efficiently using range - a cannon can be used too if you go to the dark beasts near the Temple of Light.
Sandstone (flasks) wiki
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Up to 75 Sandstone can be mined daily, made into robust glass, and then glass-blown into flasks, making you some nice profit every day. The 'As a First Resort' quest is required, as well as 89 crafting. Up to 50 crystal flasks can be made additionally each day.[/font]
Experience: 5000 xp in crafting and roughly 400k gp
Time: 10 minutes
Guide: You need to start by mining red sandstone. You can find a rock east of the Oo'glog lodestone, and another one near Sophanem. For crystal flasks, one needs to go to the Amlodd area in Prifddinas for one rock, and to the Meilyr area, into the dungeon, for the second rock.
Once you have collected the sandstone, you go to the robust glass machine nearby to make it into robust glass. Click the robust glass to make them into flasks/crystal flasks.
Experience: 5000 xp in crafting and roughly 400k gp
Time: 10 minutes
Guide: You need to start by mining red sandstone. You can find a rock east of the Oo'glog lodestone, and another one near Sophanem. For crystal flasks, one needs to go to the Amlodd area in Prifddinas for one rock, and to the Meilyr area, into the dungeon, for the second rock.
Once you have collected the sandstone, you go to the robust glass machine nearby to make it into robust glass. Click the robust glass to make them into flasks/crystal flasks.
Crystal Tree (Prifddinas) wiki
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The crystal tree can be harvested each day for 15k farming experience.
Experience: 15k farming experience.
Time: 10 seconds.
Guide: You will need to plant a crystal acorn in the crystal tree patch at Prifddinas lodestone. You can get these as a rare drop from elves in Prif, or from pickpocketing around Prif (roughly 1 per 15m xp). Once it's fully grown, you can harvest from the crystal tree every day!
Experience: 15k farming experience.
Time: 10 seconds.
Guide: You will need to plant a crystal acorn in the crystal tree patch at Prifddinas lodestone. You can get these as a rare drop from elves in Prif, or from pickpocketing around Prif (roughly 1 per 15m xp). Once it's fully grown, you can harvest from the crystal tree every day!
Motherlode Maw (Prifddinas) wiki
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The Motherlode Maw can give you a range of items. Players need at least level 95 in all non-elite skills and 115 dungeoneering.
Experience: None, but great rewards daily
Time: 30 seconds.
Guide: Go to the maw inside the dungeon in the Meilyr area and stick your arm up the hole (never thought I'd say that).
Experience: None, but great rewards daily
Time: 30 seconds.
Guide: Go to the maw inside the dungeon in the Meilyr area and stick your arm up the hole (never thought I'd say that).
Farm Run wiki
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While not strictly a "daily", doing a complete tree run at the same time every day (sometimes bar the calquat) is an easy routine to get into and provides a great amount of experience in a small amount of time. I would strongly advise against using warbands on farming, because it is both cheaper and faster than herblore and construction, as well as quicker than mining and smithing.
Experience: As high as 200k per day, 100k per day is reasonable on a budget.
Time: 10-15 minutes a day.
Guide: I do a full farming run in the morning, along with a wood tree run before I go to bed. The inventory needed for a full run is below. A full run consists of 7 fruit trees, 6 trees, 1 calquat tree and 1 elder tree. Here you can see a video of how to do it properly.
It is important to know that using supercompost on every patch speeds up growth times, even if you are paying the farmer to protect it.
The wiki page listed in the title has a reminder for the location of all tree patches. It's also worth buying the broad-arrow heads from the slayer master right by the Taverly tree patch (on the bridge) for a quick 70k daily profit.
Experience: As high as 200k per day, 100k per day is reasonable on a budget.
Time: 10-15 minutes a day.
Guide: I do a full farming run in the morning, along with a wood tree run before I go to bed. The inventory needed for a full run is below. A full run consists of 7 fruit trees, 6 trees, 1 calquat tree and 1 elder tree. Here you can see a video of how to do it properly.
It is important to know that using supercompost on every patch speeds up growth times, even if you are paying the farmer to protect it.
The wiki page listed in the title has a reminder for the location of all tree patches. It's also worth buying the broad-arrow heads from the slayer master right by the Taverly tree patch (on the bridge) for a quick 70k daily profit.
Treasure Hunter wiki
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I have nothing nice to say about this.
Experience: Varies.
Time: Varies.
Guide: Ensure that you have your wheel set to open 10 chests at once, even if you only have 3/4 daily keys (including daily challenge) to get through them faster.
Experience: Varies.
Time: Varies.
Guide: Ensure that you have your wheel set to open 10 chests at once, even if you only have 3/4 daily keys (including daily challenge) to get through them faster.
Seasonals wiki
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This is listed purely to complete the checklist, rather than adding any guides. Seasonals include things like the Wolves at Relekka that return yearly.
Experience: Varies.
Time: Varies.
Experience: Varies.
Time: Varies.
- Weeklies -
Note: Tears of Guthix and Penguin Hide and Seek will be covered in our weekly events on Saturday
Tears of Guthix wiki
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There is a clan event for this every Saturday, as a nice reminder to do it every week.
Experience: Approximately 50k in your lowest skill.
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: Teleport directly to Juna with a games necklace. You can improve your time in the cave by wearing a quest cape (the more quest points you have, the longer you can stay), and by summoning a light creature and using its special ability you can get double tears sometimes. It's a very simple game: just collect the blue tears, avoid the green ones. Try to do it on the same day every week, because the reset day is personal.
Experience: Approximately 50k in your lowest skill.
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: Teleport directly to Juna with a games necklace. You can improve your time in the cave by wearing a quest cape (the more quest points you have, the longer you can stay), and by summoning a light creature and using its special ability you can get double tears sometimes. It's a very simple game: just collect the blue tears, avoid the green ones. Try to do it on the same day every week, because the reset day is personal.
The Circus wiki
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The circus resets on Wednesday every week and it doesn't matter which day you complete it on. The bonuses it provides are rather small but worth the small amount of time it takes to complete.
Experience: Up to 106,328 experience: 17,711 Ranged, 25,006 Magic, 10,531 Agility, 38,460 Firemaking and 14,620 Thieving.
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: Always start with the level 99 challenges first and work your way down, repeating any levels which you failed. I personally don't bother with the magic/ranged challenges because they're long and slayer already provides more than enough combat experience for me. Don't bother juggling with agility as you are provided with enough basic emotes to ignore it.
Experience: Up to 106,328 experience: 17,711 Ranged, 25,006 Magic, 10,531 Agility, 38,460 Firemaking and 14,620 Thieving.
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: Always start with the level 99 challenges first and work your way down, repeating any levels which you failed. I personally don't bother with the magic/ranged challenges because they're long and slayer already provides more than enough combat experience for me. Don't bother juggling with agility as you are provided with enough basic emotes to ignore it.
Char's Training Cave wiki
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Conveniently located right where the Book of Char teleports you to, this event resets every Wednesday as well. The experience it provides is at a slower rate than the book of char auto lighting daily with magic logs but it is free and still very fast.
Experience: Up to 155k firemaking if near flawless.
Time: 10 minutes.
Guide: The wiki page lists the available patterns which you can create during the cave. The best method is to complete spirals throughout the whole period. If you are running out of time near the end, you can turn your seventh spiral into a square in order to complete a shape before you are kicked out.
Experience: Up to 155k firemaking if near flawless.
Time: 10 minutes.
Guide: The wiki page lists the available patterns which you can create during the cave. The best method is to complete spirals throughout the whole period. If you are running out of time near the end, you can turn your seventh spiral into a square in order to complete a shape before you are kicked out.
Penguins wiki
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Like Char and the circus, penguins reset every Wednesday. Penguin events are hosted every Saturday.
Experience: Varies depending on quests completed.
Time: 10-30 minutes.
Guide: Penguin hunting is primarily done on world 60, using the friends chat "world60pengs". The locations of the penguins and the guide created by the friends chat can be found here.
Experience: Varies depending on quests completed.
Time: 10-30 minutes.
Guide: Penguin hunting is primarily done on world 60, using the friends chat "world60pengs". The locations of the penguins and the guide created by the friends chat can be found here.
Meg in POP wiki
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Meg is an NPC in the Player-Owned-Ports that you can talk to for an experience lamp each week.
Experience:Depends on your level and how well you answered her questions.
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: Talk to Meg and answer her questions correctly. The answers can be found here.
Experience:Depends on your level and how well you answered her questions.
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: Talk to Meg and answer her questions correctly. The answers can be found here.
Agoroth wiki
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Agoroth is a demon found on Ashdale who can be fought twice per week to obtain a black pearl which provides bonus experience in a skill of your choice.
Experience: Up to 40,000 bonus experience in a skill of your choice.
Time: Five minutes.
Guide: Gear up for combat (style is unimportant) and use the lodestone teleport to Ashdale. Run west to enter his cave then investigate the chest inside to start the fight. You'll want a few pieces of food but he's very simple to defeat at high levels. Investigate the chest again after defeating him to claim your reward.
Experience: Up to 40,000 bonus experience in a skill of your choice.
Time: Five minutes.
Guide: Gear up for combat (style is unimportant) and use the lodestone teleport to Ashdale. Run west to enter his cave then investigate the chest inside to start the fight. You'll want a few pieces of food but he's very simple to defeat at high levels. Investigate the chest again after defeating him to claim your reward.
Familiarisation wiki
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Talk to Pikkupstix in Taverley.
Experience: None, but triple charms for 40 minutes
Time: 5 minutes
Guide: Go to where Pikkupstix tells you to go. There you talk to Pikknmix. You can see what to do here. Try to find the 60 shards in the area.
Experience: None, but triple charms for 40 minutes
Time: 5 minutes
Guide: Go to where Pikkupstix tells you to go. There you talk to Pikknmix. You can see what to do here. Try to find the 60 shards in the area.
Shattered Worlds Gold Tier Challenge wiki
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The Shattered worlds provide you with a PvM challenge that gives anima (points in the game) and slayer experience.
Experience: 1m anima per challenge plus some slayer xp (69k slayer xp for 6m anima)
Time: ?
Guide: Here is a video on how to complete these challenges, although I have never done these myself so I can not comment on how well it's executed.
Experience: 1m anima per challenge plus some slayer xp (69k slayer xp for 6m anima)
Time: ?
Guide: Here is a video on how to complete these challenges, although I have never done these myself so I can not comment on how well it's executed.
- Monthlies -
Note: These Monthlies will be covered in our Monthly D&D event
God Statues wiki
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Accessed after the Let Them Eat Pie quest, God Statues reset on the first of every month and provide a great boost to construction and either slayer or prayer.
Experience: Up to 137,632 construction and 68,816 slayer or prayer.
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: A very simple distraction, the statues are found at Canifis, Yanille, Lumbridge and Taverly. By right clicking on these statues you are able to construct a God Statue of your choice, before praying at it and killing the rogue of an opposing religion who spawns. Bring any weapon if you're going for slayer experience and you will complete it very quickly.
Experience: Up to 137,632 construction and 68,816 slayer or prayer.
Time: Approximately 5 minutes.
Guide: A very simple distraction, the statues are found at Canifis, Yanille, Lumbridge and Taverly. By right clicking on these statues you are able to construct a God Statue of your choice, before praying at it and killing the rogue of an opposing religion who spawns. Bring any weapon if you're going for slayer experience and you will complete it very quickly.
Troll Invasion wiki
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Another very simple distraction which should be easy to complete without problems at higher levels.
Experience: Up to 77,624 in a skill of your choice.
Time: Approximately 10 minutes.
Guide: I am not going to go into details here at this time. The wiki page should provide more than enough information to successfully complete this mini-game on hard mode.
Experience: Up to 77,624 in a skill of your choice.
Time: Approximately 10 minutes.
Guide: I am not going to go into details here at this time. The wiki page should provide more than enough information to successfully complete this mini-game on hard mode.
Giant Oyster wiki
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The Giant Oyster is accessible after completion of the Beneath Cursed Tides quest. It can be started by diving with Wizard Myrtle at the bottom of the Wizard Tower.
Experience: 200k fishing experience, 70k farming experience, treasure trail reward depending on your level.
Time: 3 minutes.
Guide: Click the seaweed and the sea cucumber to start collecting them, then feed it to the oyster. After the monthly reset, you can collect a treasure trail reward here.
Experience: 200k fishing experience, 70k farming experience, treasure trail reward depending on your level.
Time: 3 minutes.
Guide: Click the seaweed and the sea cucumber to start collecting them, then feed it to the oyster. After the monthly reset, you can collect a treasure trail reward here.
Premier Club Vault wiki
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This can be accessed through the portal at west side of the varrock Grand Exchange by players who have bought the gold Premier Club subscription.
Experience: varies
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: Open as many chests as possible!
Experience: varies
Time: 1 minute.
Guide: Open as many chests as possible!
And with that I conclude my guide. If you have any questions please do ask and I'll add in any more essential information which I missed the first time around. Please let me know if you feel I have missed anything important out or you find any errors throughout, be it content or format

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