Hey I'm Jake! :)
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Runescape Name: Kooleynestoe
Real-life name/nickname: Jake
Age: 18
Country: U.S.
Describe yourself in one word: Commited

What got you started playing Runescape?: While playing splinter cell on xbox live (original xbox) somebody mentioned run-escape. I was about 12 years old fell in the love with the game and have been playing ever since!
Favorite Movie: The Departed
Occupation: Marines (Going in February)
Other language(s): i took spanish in high school, not very good at it though :p
Hobbies/talents: Video games, basketball, running, flying airplanes.
Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay here. (:
Welcome Jake! :]
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Hiya Jake and welcome to Surreal Biggrin
Hey Jake! Nice to meet you!
Welcome to the Surreal Forums, make yourself at home!
Nice to see your playing Run-escape. I should take a look at it sometime!

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