Runescape Name: Hidden308
Real-life name/nickname: Real Name: Brett / Nickname: None
Age: 21 (Well going to be this Friday)
Country: USA, Ohio
Describe yourself in one word: Funny (at least try to be :3)
What made you start playing runescape: Uhmm.. I recently started playing Runescape simply because I wanted to get back into it (came back to RS about 2 months ago from today maybe been longer have not kept track.)
Favorite Movie: LoTR or Star War movies. Well actually I don't know I watch so many movies.
Occupation: Restaurant
Other language(s): Just English.... I think.
Hobbies/talents: Gaming, Make websites for fun many years of experience. Also been learning some game development on the side.
Real-life name/nickname: Real Name: Brett / Nickname: None
Age: 21 (Well going to be this Friday)
Country: USA, Ohio
Describe yourself in one word: Funny (at least try to be :3)
What made you start playing runescape: Uhmm.. I recently started playing Runescape simply because I wanted to get back into it (came back to RS about 2 months ago from today maybe been longer have not kept track.)
Favorite Movie: LoTR or Star War movies. Well actually I don't know I watch so many movies.
Occupation: Restaurant
Other language(s): Just English.... I think.

Hobbies/talents: Gaming, Make websites for fun many years of experience. Also been learning some game development on the side.