Reposting this from a little while ago, please keep this in mind, it is one of our rules.
Signature Size Reminder
Forum signatures are a great way to express yourself - please do not misuse them. All of our rules still apply for signatures and they should be appropriately sized. Signatures are not built to be your own personal block of text and images!
Signatures may be no larger than 250 pixels (250px) in height. This is to ensure that users of all connections and screen sizes get the best experience possible on our forums and that content remains the most important part of our forum.
Please, keep the height of your signatures within our guideline, or we will do it for you.
![[Image: 250px.jpg]](
Thanks for your cooperation.
Signatures may be no larger than 250 pixels (250px) in height. This is to ensure that users of all connections and screen sizes get the best experience possible on our forums and that content remains the most important part of our forum.
Please, keep the height of your signatures within our guideline, or we will do it for you.
![[Image: 250px.jpg]](
Thanks for your cooperation.