Hey guyss
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Hi guys I found out about this clan from zybez so i figured I'd try it out!

Runescape Name: char owns
Real-life name/nickname: Nick
Age: 16
Country: U.S
Describe yourself in one word: gamer

What got you started playing Runescape?: friends
Favorite Movie: Iron Man 2
Occupation: none
Other language(s): none
Hobbies/talents: gaming, reading, watching tv, etc Biggrin
Hey Nick! Welcome to the Surreal Forums.

I can tell you're pretty much like me....a Gamer XD!
Iron Man 2 is a pretty good film also =)
Well i hope you enjoy your stay here. If you need to ask anything dont hesitate too ask mate!
Hiya Char and welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy it here and if you need any help feel free to ask Biggrin
Welcome Biggrin Hope you have fun with us here ^.^ Great group of people.
I didn't like Iron Man myself. He's a big jerk :o Tongue
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
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s t a t s (Click to View)
Yeeaaa another 16'er Biggrin aha, welcome to the forums amigo, hope ya like it

Enjoy the stay! Biggrin
(2011-09-15 08:01:49)Meg Wrote:  dw guys, one day my true intelligence will shine for the world to see and I will bask in full glory of the beautiful smart woman I truly am....until i wake up Biggrin

[Image: bkhaO.png]
Welcome Nick. Enjoy your stay! smile
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