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Runescape Name: The Gob o
Real-life name/nickname: Ryan
Age: 20
Country: Scotland
Describe yourself in one word: legit

What got you started playing Runescape?: My Friend from School gave me his wee brothers account, which got banned because ... well... saying this ingame : "Look! Jagex blocks your Password "*********"" ... now they actually do block it xD
Favorite Movie: BraveHeart!!
Occupation: Self Employed (Antique Dealer)
Other language(s): English
Hobbies/talents: I have the ability to Count Every finger on my Hand Yahoo.
I also like to keep fit by swimming and playing sports (not played sports in a while tho...) lol

Your talent is amazing! sure wish I could count every finger :O

Welcome to Surreal and you're an antique dealer - maybe I'll see you on Antiques Roadshow? Tongue

Braveheart FTW Wub
Welcome Ryan. Braveheart is an epic movie. Biggrin
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
(2011-01-07 05:27:10)Meg Wrote:  Your talent is amazing! sure wish I could count every finger :O

Welcome to Surreal and you're an antique dealer - maybe I'll see you on Antiques Roadshow? Tongue

Braveheart FTW Wub

I have been on TV xD (back round...ofc)
Hi Ryan, hope you enjoy your time here! Bye
Welcome Ryan. Tongue
Love the movie and the occupation!

Welcome to Surreal Ryan!
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Hey Ryan, welcome to Surreal. :]
[Image: rawries.png]

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