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Runescape Name: Lindseyy
Real-life name/nickname: Lindsey (or Lyn what most people nickname me as)
Age: 23
Country: Netherlands
Describe yourself in one word: Loud.

What made you start playing RuneScape:
Seems like a fun game, lots of skills you can do and an old friend played it and showed me. Now I try to play it myself

Favorite Movie:
Don't really have a favourite movie. Favourite series is definitely Sherlock from BBC smile

Student at University for BSc

Other language(s):
English, German, Dutch

Gaming, football (for Americans this is soccer), netflix..

Hi all!
I am Lindsey and to keep it short I was invited to join the clan chat by Lady Spyra and I hope to join your clan by the end of the week if possible!
If you have any questions feel free to ask ofcourse
! Santa
Hey Lyn! Welcome to Surreal smile I'm glad I found you on the forums looking for a clan; I knew you'd be a great fit! Biggrin Sherlock is an interesting show on BBC. I only discovered it because my grandfather had it on the tv when he was visiting us a while back. I only saw it that one time though cause I forget about that show. Old age problems (I'm 31 lol) Tongue

If you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask myself or any other staff member! I hope you continue to enjoy your stay with us Biggrin

PS - You can submit your application to Surreal any time, regardless of being on a cooldown. You'll be considered a clan member in terms of our forums (and will be able to go through your 2 week trial regardless of not being able to be ranked in the clan chat yet), which means you'll get to participate in SWCs and anything else in the clan, and receive activity points for it. Just thought I'd let you know. If you aren't positive you want to commit to Surreal, that's okay too. There's no pressure on you to apply! smile I just want you to know your options and to understand that if you did apply while on a cooldown, that you'd be considered an official trial member of the clan.
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Nice to meet you Lyn! Let us know if you need anything or if we can answer any questions for you!
I'm at work ATM so I'm gonna give you a quick Hello and Welcome, and hope to talk with you soon!
[Image: sylvanas_wow_sig_by_katzenfan-d54n86z.png]
Hi Lyn, welcome to Surreal smile
Welcome to Surreal smile HOLLAND
Welcome to the forums!
[Image: user1-light.png][Image: 2JSik6b.jpg]
Welcome to Surreal Lyn. smile
[Image: newcomer.png]
Goal Log (Current Goal: Port Skills + Hard Tasks)
Member of the Month (Click to View)
Welcome to Surreal, Lyn! smile
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]

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