Pickpocketing in Ardougne - A Surreal Story
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So Nick, Mel, and myself are training our Thieving Skills together in Ardougne.  I couldn't resist taking pics. Wink

Here we are surrounding a knight, pickpocketing him in every direction.

[Image: L4RXGJq.jpg]

"You picked the wrong colors to wear, knight, purple is our thing!"

[Image: uCNZumz.jpg]

After a while I noticed another knight in his house, so me and Mel snuck in a locked the door behind, only letting Nick in.  Nick praised us for a successful move, and we continued to take all the gold the knight had to his name (50 Gold at a time).

To Be Continued???
[Image: Xswanqueenx.png]

[Image: silentwolf251.png]
[Image: edrGtl1.png]
Silly knight never got the idea. You'd think after being locked in a house repeatedly and having your gold stolen hundreds of times you'd stop asking that question.
[Image: newcomer.png]
Goal Log (Current Goal: Port Skills + Hard Tasks)
Member of the Month (Click to View)
[Image: rpskfam.jpg]

The Knight tried to escape by going upstairs, but alas, his Armour, heavy with gold, strange rocks, and an unknown teleportation method, prevented his getaway.  We continued our Pickpocketing Attack.
[Image: Xswanqueenx.png]

[Image: silentwolf251.png]
Through an ill-timed "son of a monkey" comment we three realised what we had stumbled in upon. This knight was no knight at all, but a monkey in a suit of armour, hell-bent on taking over the city with his cohorts while the officials are occupied with the supposed plague in the western half of Ardougne! Those cheeky monkeys.
[Image: newcomer.png]
Goal Log (Current Goal: Port Skills + Hard Tasks)
Member of the Month (Click to View)
Lady Spyra decided to pull out a beach chair and be a chameleon, camouflaged within her chair unnoticed, as she watches the Knight get his money stolen...

[Image: 9417e5b7e090434fb23b98881ad17992.png]
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
If the Penquins can attempt to conquer the world of Runescape multiple times, whose to say the monkeys won't try? Our Surrealian Pickpocketers must now decide what to do.

"I vote finding the 'knights' way of teleporting and disabling it." says Jess. "Maybe then we don't have to worry about losing skill time while running around find him again."
"This city is a danger magnet anyways, with Zombies and the underground pass nearby, bringing this 'scheme' into light won't change anything." she said stubbornly.
[Image: Xswanqueenx.png]

[Image: silentwolf251.png]
Things turned strange very shortly after Mel sat in her chair. Something about the monkey's magic turned the talk to butts.

Under the influence of the monkey's evil magicks did I write the following:
"Monkey Jr, metal clad,
Don't you know when you've been had?
We take your coin and your rocks too,
Yet you ask what we aim to do."
[Image: newcomer.png]
Goal Log (Current Goal: Port Skills + Hard Tasks)
Member of the Month (Click to View)
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[Image: dda8a6941922aa0f4a01f86e308ef399.png]

[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Ha, amazing guys! I want more Biggrin
:haha: Yahoo

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