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Runescape Name: Hat-TricK 09
Real-life name/nickname: Jonathan
Age: 25
Country: Sorry, Canada, eh?
Describe yourself in one word: Quiet

What made you start playing Runescape: I met a friend from an older browser game called Tank Mania. He played Runescape as well and he got me curious about it.

Occupation: Working

Other language(s): English, French, Cantonese (only talking)

Hobbies/talents: Hockey, Gaming

I have not played this game in 2 or 3 years. I am kind of interested in coming back again and I just got a 3 months membership. Most of my old Runescape friends are most likely gone so I figured looking for a clan would be ideal for me to get back in this game and I found Surreal through the Runescape forums.

I'll be in the chat as a Guest for a while to see how I would fit in this group, if that's okay. Feel free to message me.
Welcome to surreal Jonathan!
[Image: user1-light.png][Image: 2JSik6b.jpg]
Welcome to Surreal fellow Canadian. smile
[Image: newcomer.png]
Goal Log (Current Goal: Port Skills + Hard Tasks)
Member of the Month (Click to View)
Thank you
Welcome to Surreal! Biggrin I hope you'll enjoy your stay, and that eventually you'll make it permanent. Wink
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]
Welcome to Surreal smile
Hey Jonathan, welcome to Surreal! smile I'm glad to hear that we've piqued your interest through our RS thread Biggrin I'm sure that you will enjoy yourself; we're fairly easy to fit into smile

If you have any questions or concerns, never hesitate to ask! Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
hey, Welcome To Surreal!
Hey there Jonathan, welcome! Nice to meet you bud!

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