New member - Azax
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Hi everyone! I'm Azax.

My real name is Ethan, been playing RS since '04 off and on. Currently 2630 total trying to get 99 Invention. IRL, I'm in the US Army full-time and going to college online so I fit RS in any chance I get. I'm excited to be in a family-like clan as opposed to the previous clans of 400+. I hope to help you guys and gals out as much as i can!

Please ask questions here, I'm terrible at introductions. LOL.
Hey Ethan! Welcome to Surreal smile I'm glad you stumbled upon us. Wow, thank you for serving in the Army! I know what you mean about the desire to be in a smaller family-like clan. Sounds like we're a good fit for you, cause we'll always be under 100 members smile

If you ever have any questions, never hesitate to ask! I hope you enjoy yourself here, and I look forward to reading your application to join Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Hey Ethan! Welcome to the clan! Most of us don't bite. Promise. Some of us drink a lot of coffee, but other than that, I think we're a decent bunch. Tongue
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]
Hi and welcome smile
[Image: puppy-being-sleepy.gif?w=620&h=348&crop=1]
[Image: liz-may-2016.png]

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