Personally I hometele to burthorpe to hand in my challenge, go to the mine and get copper/tin (1), smith it into bronze knives (2), kill a cow with knives (3/4), kill a cow barehanded on controlled (5/6/7), go down pick a flax (8), fish a crayfish (9), cut down two trees (10), fletch one log (11), light a bonfire and cook the crayfish (12/13), lay down a bird snare (i keep one with me but you can get one from the hunter guy there for free), run up and turn my flax into a bowstring (14), go check on the snare (15), bury the bones from the snare (16), go right and get a herb from the herb guy and clean it (17), steal from the pompous merchant (18), release a clockwork mouse and pick it up (19) and teleport to varrock (20).
Then I buy battlestaves from Naff and get my reward right next to him from Xuan.
(2014-05-01 13:28:15)AlchemyHawk Wrote: Personally I hometele to burthorpe to hand in my challenge, go to the mine and get copper/tin (1), smith it into bronze knives (2), kill a cow with knives (3/4), kill a cow barehanded on controlled (5/6/7), go down pick a flax (8), fish a crayfish (9), cut down two trees (10), fletch one log (11), light a bonfire and cook the crayfish (12/13), lay down a bird snare (i keep one with me but you can get one from the hunter guy there for free), run up and turn my flax into a bowstring (14), go check on the snare (15), bury the bones from the snare (16), go right and get a herb from the herb guy and clean it (17), steal from the pompous merchant (18), release a clockwork mouse and pick it up (19) and teleport to varrock (20).
Then I buy battlestaves from Naff and get my reward right next to him from Xuan.
#Mr Efficient
(2014-05-01 13:28:15)AlchemyHawk Wrote: Personally I hometele to burthorpe to hand in my challenge, go to the mine and get copper/tin (1), smith it into bronze knives (2), kill a cow with knives (3/4), kill a cow barehanded on controlled (5/6/7), go down pick a flax (8), fish a crayfish (9), cut down two trees (10), fletch one log (11), light a bonfire and cook the crayfish (12/13), lay down a bird snare (i keep one with me but you can get one from the hunter guy there for free), run up and turn my flax into a bowstring (14), go check on the snare (15), bury the bones from the snare (16), go right and get a herb from the herb guy and clean it (17), steal from the pompous merchant (18), release a clockwork mouse and pick it up (19) and teleport to varrock (20).
Then I buy battlestaves from Naff and get my reward right next to him from Xuan.
It's like a well-choreographed dance routine. Smooth!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Nice guide, my quickest time for Jack of Trades is 1 minute 27 seconds from activation to collecting the reward :O
Distriant, your post made me think of doing the fastest possible jack of trades attempt that i could possibly do. if you are interested i was able to cut down my run to only 31 seconds on my second attempt. I would be able to cut it down even more if i am able to practice at it. if you are intrested you can find the video of the run here:
I want to see if any can beat me 
(its only the 10 skill one though)
Thanks everyone who posted Jack of Trades suggestions, I was struggling to get all the way to 20 when I first came back!
I've just updated the guide to account for changes to the game since I wrote this/incorporating things which I've learnt since: - Agoroth added.
- Bork added (improved rewards due to the newest quest).
- Cabbage Punch Bonanza added.
- Seasonals/Jack of Trades/Div Locations/Ports slightly updated.
- Grammar & tone adjusted.
Thanks for the update! bookmarked.
Cormag is a very calm and aloof man, although he can become furious at times. He compares himself to a wyvern in this aspect. He is a very skilled fighter, but dislikes war. He has great pride in his country of Grado, despite their many atrocities committed.
Find out about the number 46! Homeworld since 2009!
Click and Follow My Journey to -> Max Cape <-
This is a brilliant list! Thanks so much for your time and effort in creating it.
Gravedig! Sorry, but thank you for this guide! I've been looking for a guide will all the D&D's and their description all in one place.
Just giving my contribute since this guide is a few years old. All the in-depth info can be found on Runewikia. Also feel free to ask anything.
- Warbands (join a fc, they can be found on the d&d part of the rsof)
- Cache
- Sinkholes
- Daily Challenges (Most important ones are dungeoneering, crafting, smithing)
- Ports
- Arc Contracts (1 Div spot with energy gathering scrimshaw is enough for all contracts)
- Vis Wax (use !vis on #runeinfo on discord for combo. 99 rc cape gives the last rune for you)
- Shop Run (Runes, Feathers, Broad Arrowheads) *Prices may change, check which items give profit
- Slayer Mask (Abyssal Demons/Dark Beast) Easy Points
- Reaper Task
- Trees/Herb Runs
- Sandstones
- Crystal tree
- Motherlode Maw
- Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza (Only do it for the double points daily and until you get herbicide and farm outfit)
- Meg (on PoP) Can find all the answers here:
- Penguins
- Tears of Guthix
- Agoroth
- Circus
- Shattered Worlds (Gold Tier Challenge)
- Familiarisation
- Statues
- Troll Invasion
- Giant Oyster
- Premier Vip Vault