2011-07-08 06:21:54
Runescape Nameuvandpower
Real-life name/nickname:Justin
Country:United States
Describe yourself in one word:Nerd?
What got you started playing Runescape?:A friend when I was in high school.
Favorite Moviearry Potter series
Other language(s):Spanish/English
Hobbies/talents:Um...odd talent but I can say my abc's/books of the bible backwards. For hobbies, i mess around with an old Runescape private server I got somewhere and like to program in new things. (self taught)
Real-life name/nickname:Justin
Country:United States
Describe yourself in one word:Nerd?
What got you started playing Runescape?:A friend when I was in high school.
Favorite Moviearry Potter series
Other language(s):Spanish/English
Hobbies/talents:Um...odd talent but I can say my abc's/books of the bible backwards. For hobbies, i mess around with an old Runescape private server I got somewhere and like to program in new things. (self taught)