2011-06-08 23:58:20
(2011-06-08 23:47:00)old_jon Wrote: *hastely finds silver crown and plonks on head, somewhat offscew*
"Runescape is not a dating site"
I was waiting for someone to post it
I'm not hatred against it, but as I said before, if you have met your "true soulmate" in here, you have played to much. Thats what I think. As RS is a site to play together you can meet someone who is a good friend and can could on, but it still stays ingame thing. The physical part has to match as well.
(Actually, I didn't met someone, but I also have played too much
And what I did not write before: I think people, real addicts, could love eachother for what they are ingame and because they can do that together and they found someone who shares the same addiction. By that I mean that I doubt the love continues without the game in their lives.