2012-04-06 10:01:25
Saw this in the Tip.it version of this thread.
This person is starting to finish maxing using SoF spins. Already done 5 levels in slayer (to get 99) and 2.6m DG experience. The original poster says that the person uses $200 usd daily, which I guess is the max you can spend, on SoF spins. I don't know if they did 100% spins for all the experience they have gained but I would assume at least 90% of it is from that just because every skill minus summoning has gained at least 100k+
I guess one thing does bother me after seeing this...
Awhile ago, before mass amounts of people figured out ways to get millions of experience in a day I wanted to try and obtain for myself a global experience record. Seeing how much experience people can gain in a week off SoF really bothers me just for the simple fact that they will be possibly getting experience records from this. If they trained a skill all day getting massive experience than spent $200 on spins leaving them enough time in the 24hr window to complete the spins and open all the lamps they could possibly push the record far enough that the only way to beat it would be by getting luckier than they did on the SoF spins and of course also spending $200 in the process. That kind of ircks me more than anything else related to this update.
This person is starting to finish maxing using SoF spins. Already done 5 levels in slayer (to get 99) and 2.6m DG experience. The original poster says that the person uses $200 usd daily, which I guess is the max you can spend, on SoF spins. I don't know if they did 100% spins for all the experience they have gained but I would assume at least 90% of it is from that just because every skill minus summoning has gained at least 100k+
I guess one thing does bother me after seeing this...
Awhile ago, before mass amounts of people figured out ways to get millions of experience in a day I wanted to try and obtain for myself a global experience record. Seeing how much experience people can gain in a week off SoF really bothers me just for the simple fact that they will be possibly getting experience records from this. If they trained a skill all day getting massive experience than spent $200 on spins leaving them enough time in the 24hr window to complete the spins and open all the lamps they could possibly push the record far enough that the only way to beat it would be by getting luckier than they did on the SoF spins and of course also spending $200 in the process. That kind of ircks me more than anything else related to this update.