2012-06-21 16:41:14
(2012-06-21 02:25:38)Tayze Wrote: Very interesting article. I'm a bit split on the whole idea of adjusting combat levels really. 200 does seem very rounded and neat, but excluding summoning, prayer and constitution seems rather stupid as they are combat orientated skills. This will surely remove a lot of training methods from the game though i.e. Skeleton Monkeys under Ape Atoll will no longer be able to be chinned unless your combat level is no higher than 172.
That passed my mind haha... that would be a little depressing, I guess if you needed to get 99 range fast, or to those maxed people getting 200M Range it would be a downer, can imagine price of chinchompa's would drop somewhat.
Though tbh they stated Ranging and maging would be better, so I guess there would be decent viable ways of training them efficiently with cost in mind aswell, so should be ok.