Kamizura's Re-introduction
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so hey guys, a lot of new members have joined the clan and i feel like many dont interact with me because maybe they dont know anything about me or dont feel comfortable around me or something so i felt like i needed to re-introduce myself, 

a lot of you already know me as Kamizura/Kami or my real name, Kieran.  im 26 years something (not old or young lol) and i am known to be quite a sarcastic and badly punny person, im also quite a quiet person until you get to know me, there are many things i do enjoy, anime, gaming of all kinds, meeting new people (regardless of being a quiet person)

i also work in a warehouse, which is getting much busier nearer to christmas so im struggling to get on often, but once the busy period is over i should be fine with getting on more regularly and hosting events and providing help where its needed, feel free to chat to me! ^^
Hello Kieran,

Hope they let yall rest little I work at THD, and its busy day to night lol.
Kami! Didn't know your age nor your occupation so this is nice even for someone who has been here a while. smile
Thanks for the introduction--it's helpful for us newer members. I'm in school so I'm not able to be on as much as I'd like, either. But Christmas break is coming soon. Hopefully you'll have a break coming soon too. See you in rs!
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
Harrison, the time i get to rest is in my time and not theirs, its not ideal work conditions tbh but gotta make do with what i can, Jerome now you know! and jeli, yea i thought it'd be more helpful to post a new introduction than have newer members dig through old introductions just to learn a little about people,

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