Pim's Introduction
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Hi There !

I am Pim ! (<< Linda told me this isnt enough of an introduction)

I am 24 years old, and live in the Netherlands, near Steenwijk, for those who want to know.
My home situation is pretty unique, we live with two families on one property, and we decided to take care of two childeren with FASD (google it).
It's a huge job to take care of these childeren so there can be times i just disconnect out of nowhere, so that you know now, dont be angry if it happens Tongue

So there's two houses, and one of the houses is where i live, together with my girlfriend and two cats, Nero and Onyx. (thats where the name comes from Tongue , Oh yes, i really love cats, even my gf calls me a crazy catlady)

Currently finishing off my studies to be an IT guy, lets hope i can get that working with my current household situation smile

RS Part:
I have been playing RS for a long long time, but why am i not maxed yet? I have been playing it very casually, and sometimes even quit for a few years.... But somehow i always get back to RS, (also to MapleStory) 
My total level is 2458 (virtual 2476) and atm working on 99 slayer.
I still have a lot to do in RS, so it is very possible im online a lot, if the home situations are alright.
Dont ask me anything about quests ! I have had 250 QP for a long long time, really hate to do those things, finally headed to prif after a lot of pushing by my brother.
Yes.. My Brother... There we go, ofc he is the one who's maxed, and did all quests etc, etc, etc. But he also is the one who gets me back to RS (sometimes by just buying my membership for a year), I usually play RS with him. 

I think this is enough introduction for now, and if you have any other questions, just ask !
Welcome to Surreal Pim Yahoo
[Image: UvXSfs2.png]
[Image: kCsmlGL.jpg][Image: user1-dark.png]
Take a look at my awesome G&A-thread here!
Annual Surreal Awards 2016 (Click to View)
I did, and I was right. Even if I knew all of that already. Tongue

Anyways: Welcome to Surreal! smile
[Image: 2015-11-motm.png]

I am too crazy for cats!!! hope to see u online Biggrin
Hey man. I really like your username. Welcome to Surreal!
Welcome! Looking forward to getting to know you better in the cc!
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.

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