What keeps you playing RuneScape?
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I first discovered RuneScape back in '02 however I've been actively playing since maybe late '05 now. Throughout my time I've had a few occasions where I've attempted to quit the game, yet in somewhat of a yo-yo effect, I always seem to find myself returning. It's got me thinking though. Why do I keep finding myself returning back to this game? There's other online games available, why don't I convert to those? Why RuneScape?

I'm sure we probably all have different answers to those questions. Whether it be for solid friendships you've built, the continual updates that Jagex provides (quite a lot in comparison to other games), or perhaps just the thrill of the chase in attempting to level further in the highscores chart, the majority of us keep returning to RuneScape for one reason or another.

Post your thoughts.
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I recognize that Yo-Yo effect. I keep coming back after I deside it's better for my life that I quit. Every space I see to return, I return :p

For me it's an escape from real life I guess.
I start in December of '04 never really got the hang of it, then my school friend mentioned it and I was like, you play? Then he helped me out and got me into, I then got the word of Runescape around school. I've quit many times since then, months at a time, I will always come back to Rs though, I have goals I want to achieve, like 99 Fishing the goal that's taken 3 years to even go from level 91-94.
I always wanted a half decent rare like a Santa or a Phat of sorts, I considered buying a Santa at 13M a few years ago and settled with Full Infinity instead at the mere price of 4M, I never plan on selling my Full Infinity, it's one thing that's kept me coming back.
I will never max out I don't think but I will keep coming back no matter what happens, when I play Rs, I know it sounds stupid but I feel safe, happy, free from having a disability.
I can quit for 3 months max then i just come back. I dont know what it is, i think it might just be the exitement of maxing out.
I tend to play for a while then leave to come back a month or so later. I guess it's boredom more then anything, I try to find something to do and end up back on Runescape which keeps me occupied for a while until I get bored again.
[Image: rawries.png]
What keeps me playing. 3 simple things: The community (clan + rs friends), I enjoy the game, and quitting now would feel somewhat strange after all those hours spent on it and gaining levels.
Haha, I have that same Yo-yo effect.

I mainly play because of boredom really, I have nothing else to do so may aswell get my stats as high as I can. Grin
(2011-01-15 17:21:42)Nicholas Wrote:  Haha, I have that same Yo-yo effect.

I mainly play because of boredom really, I have nothing else to do so may aswell get my stats as high as I can. Grin

same and even when you do quit, you come back a week/month later anyways so its kinda pointless quitting lol unless uno its for good.
I think attempting to max out keeps me coming back. I've been able to quit for 1 and 1/2 years at one point, from 2006-2007 I didn't touch RS. I noticed when I came back just about all my friends were near maxed lol, that's kept me playing pretty much up until now. Just trying to catch up with them although a few of them have maxed and quit playing now. I know one returned to max DG, the others haven't returned yet since DG came out.

In my last clan I took breaks but never went retired or took clan friend because I didn't want to "start over" getting ranks and seniority in the clan, since obviously if you retire someone has to fill your old spot. So, I still played but only enough to keep up with attendance reqs. Outside of doing 1-2 events a month I didn't play at all for 2-3 months at a time.

Every time I do return I think it's because I believe I am ready to max out but than I get bored again and slow down to a point were I eventually stop, usually happens after 99's or after training a skill a lot in a quick time. I just burn myself out and I don't have that urge to play anymore. Usually I just need a quick break though before choosing the next skill to train.
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Found out about in in summer 2007 when I was at a friends house, I was 13 back then. Started playing actively in winter 2008. Regardless of how pointless the game really is, it's like an alternate reality that I'll never look down upon, even if I stop playing and it's no longer important.

What keeps me playing is my goals, the friends I've met, and not wanting to learn a new MMORPG. My all-time goal is to max out non-cb at under 80 combat on my current account. I really enjoy pking on my near max cb main and the 'new' old wildy will keep me in the game.

I really do wish I could quit, what am I going to tell my spouse my favorite thing to do as a teenage was? Swing at concentrated gold ores with my dragon pickaxe? Stand in Edgeville bank making potions?
[Image: Rarely_Lucky.png]

[Image: Rarely_Lucky.png]

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