Wilderness Achievement Tasks
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I began my RS journey during the time before the Wildy wall, deep in the age of Pkers.  Many stories were told and warnings cautioned of nooblett's going into the dark and being deprived of their life and all their worldly goods.

It made me very cautious, and a bit overly leery, even now, of venturing into the scarred and scary place that is the Wilderness.

Needless to say, my Achievement Diary looks very anorexic on that front.

I don't suppose that anyone else might be interested in teaming up to knock out some Achievements?  Maybe even make an event out of it?

Any way, just a thought. Paladin
what's a better way to die than to die together with your clan mate, crying side by side while you're being cucked by someone with a nox bow Tongue

not sure how it would work as an event though & i'm not the best pvper to save you Tongue
I'm actually so glad you mentioned this Judy! I'm working on putting together a weekly event where we go through the entire achievement/task journal one chunk at a time. We will be working through each section as soon as I get the event details all sorted out smile
[Image: SYRulGm.png]

2016 Surreal Awards
I just finished the easy tasks! Wouldn't mind working with you to get some tasks done if we're both on.
Otherwise, we can do it as a clan! smile
I, too, am freaked out with the wildy! The longest I've ever stayed in there was for prayer training, with no wealth on me except for the single inventory of bones. Someday I'll get up the courage to do it--maybe having my clannies will help. smile
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.

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