My Intro
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Initially wasn't going to do this but thought I should 

Runescape Name: Azphix
Real-life name/nickname: Azzy
Age: 21
Country: United Kingdom
Describe yourself in one word: Silly

I've been playing RuneScape since 2006 after a mate showed me and I've been played on and off ever since.
My current goals are to get max, I have divination, runecrafting, agility, thieving and hunter left, hunter is almost done. You can follow my adventure in more detail by clicking the link in my signature.
I'm currently working in retail whilst studying motor vehicle at college, I love cars ^^. So I study all week and work every weekend as well as evenings in the week, so yeah I'm quite busy so I'm not always available for events.
I'm quite relaxed, can be serious at times but not often, I like to banter, be silly and have fun, try not to take what I say too seriously lol.

Take care and see you all in CC, may the gains be in your favour smile.

-PS, want to hear a joke?
Your RuneScape account.
Awesome AZZY!! It's always fun reading more about other clannies smile
[Image: SYRulGm.png]

2016 Surreal Awards
Lol--that joke though. It's slightly true in my case...Anyway, we're so glad to have you!
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
Hey azzy! Glad you decided to make an intro thread. It helps us out a lot to get to know you, especially since you're a busy guy. smile
Hey Azzy! Welcome to Surreal! (Well you've been with us for a little bit, I just haven't had an intro thread to welcome you on before Tongue). Love ya hun, thanks for being Surreal. Hope you are with us for many years to come! Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]

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