The RS community
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While hunting today i was crashed by 3 people, while 2 of them logged/left one person decided to stay, im not sure if he was trying to make a point? idk here are some pics

there were some other things before this but i didnt SS it

[Image: rs1b.png]
[Image: rs2g.png]

is it just me or is the RS community as a whole deteriorating or is it i always run into the ass-hats of this game.

EDIT: Also yesterday while doing prayer every time id tele to fally to bank some body would be there and follow me to the bank calling me a bot, i replied every time and tried to start a conversation, but i was still a bot. Sad

Edit2: i would own him in pvp he was only 88 att 87 def 99 str 93 hp

(2011-09-15 08:01:49)Meg Wrote:  dw guys, one day my true intelligence will shine for the world to see and I will bask in full glory of the beautiful smart woman I truly am....until i wake up Biggrin

[Image: bkhaO.png]
I hate shit heads like this. "I'll own you in pvp" - I don't care if you can kill me in PVP, it's only a game. This can't be said for the whole community though, as a whole, there is always going to be assholes, but there is also going to be mature, friendly people (like Surreal Wub).
[Image: 13847_s.png]
Rs commuity is deteriorating since a while. Everyone just think at themselfs and you will see that if you start dging a lot. People just think on themselfs and dont care about others. Also I hate when people say you are noob cause you have low combat lvl that just make me laugh and also people who start saying things about your mum online are just retarded
This kind of stuff happens in every game I play online, no matter what genre it is or how new/old it might be. There will always be trolls on the internet trying to rile people up for a laugh or two of their own amusement because they have nothing better to do with their time. It's sad, but we just gotta carry on and ignore them.

As for the RS community itself... I don't know. It's had its ups and downs over the years. Sometimes you will meet really awesome people, and other times you will meet complete jerks. I know that's a general and broad statement, but I don't think it would be right saying that the game's community has gone to complete waste because I still meet some of those nice people occasionally. Then there are some days where I bump into people just like the guy in your screenshot.

Best thing to do is laugh and ignore, as it's kind of pathetic that they have nothing better to do with their time than kick people down to their level.

Just my two cents.
As Shay said, there's people like that in every game.

In RS, in tend to ignore about everyone except if they talk nicely. Like I ignore people saying "U lek so hut chixx" and I answer to people saying things like "Hey, I saw you here yesterday, how's your crafting doing?"

In most cases, people who put efforts to write are way better people.
Main: Princess Emiko Yuki
Alt: Princess Revy Chan

Probably trying to get you off his world so he can bot =/
[Image: AaXEhqE.png]
Unfortunately, I have noticed that the Runescape has become a lot meaner and less and less helpful. I remember when I was a skiller in 07' and I was a level 4 because I didn't know that prayer leveled your combat up. Anyways, I remember the evil tree that would randomly attack you and the chicken that attacked you as a random event. Well I was a level 4 and I didn't want to attack it and i remember I saw a 101 combat level come and save me and kept killing them for me. (combat level 104 was like ridiculous to me). But then as the years past it seems that people like that person in Draynor have began to disappear. Sad
heh I've hardly played much since I maxed and I logged in to do some cooking and some twat was accusing me of account sharing and that I'm pathetic yada yada - really finding it hard to find the motivation to play lately esp since the community is deteriorating so fast, what happened to the nice ppl in the game? oh that's right they left because of bots and assholes taking over Sad
Honestly, even if the whole community went down the crapper, I would still like RuneScape because of Surreal. I don't interact with too many people outside of the clan anyway, and this place is pretty much my home and sanctuary. Not much more I'd ask for outside of here.
I'm anti social, I ignore noobs on sight.
[Image: FV39kOB.gif]

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